Jim Harbison |
Often we hear local elected officials say “it doesn’t cost us anything because it’s Obama Stimulus money or some other Federal grant. There is no such thing as free government money because governments only have the money they confiscate from their citizens. Our City Council has the impression that the Federal government has free money that enables them to pursue projects without any cost to the local citizens. These are projects that could not fit into the City budget, be approved by bond initiatives or without increases in local taxes. The Council has no objections to projects being “government” funded. Local government officials everywhere have lost sight of the fact that “government funded” means TAXPAYER FUNDED.

We should all be cognizant of the remarks of American patriot Patrick Henry who said “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrict the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrict the government, lest it come to dominate our lives and interests”. Unfortunately, taxes have become an instrument of our government to dominate our lives and interests. As long as local governments fail to recognize that government dollars are actually taken from their constituents our taxes will continue to increase.

We have been so overwhelmed by excessive government spending that we no longer make any connection between government funded programs and our individual tax liabilities. It is easy to accept government funding for a project when both the City Council and the citizens believe it is free. We have become so jaded about receiving (spending) government funds that we developed a “too bad for you, we’ve got ours” attitude without consideration of the tax implications and consequences. Our City Council needs to recognize that their acceptance of “government” money increases the national debt and the tax burden on each of us. This free (taxpayer provided) money is addictive to all local and state governments and they can’t constrain their quest for “someone else” to pay for projects they were unable to include in their budgets.

Because Council members and citizens don’t see these costs directly, they fail to acknowledge the true tax burdens imposed upon them. One of the shortcomings in our current legislative process, at all levels, is that there is very little evidence of the much touted “transparency”. The taxpayers of this nation have no concept of what tax burdens each piece of legislation has placed upon them. Unfortunately, most of our legislators do not know either or do not want to disclose it until their pet legislation has passed. Following Nancy Pelosi’s infamous quote “we have to pass the bill to know what’s in it” is no longer acceptable. Elected officials at all levels should have a fiduciary responsibility to each of us and should know the cost implications of each bill they propose? I would suggest we contact our elected officials at all levels and demand that they be required to calculate and disclose the tax burden on each individual for any proposed project, program or legislation.

Wouldn’t this be a much better form of transparency? This requirement would have certainly influenced many individuals and groups during the recent health care debates. It would have created a clearer national understanding of the financial (tax) implications and burdens for each component of this massive legislation. It could have reflected the one time implementation taxpayer costs as well as the ongoing long-term or perpetual costs for each individual taxpayer. We need elected officials including Council members who are cognizant of the tax implications of government spending at all levels and who take their fiduciary responsibilities seriously.

Harbison: It’s Free, It’s from the Federal Government