Aggies Cruise Past Oklahoma Panhandle State 78-46
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on Thursday, December 16, 2010

bleedCrimson.net Report
The New Mexico State men's basketball team's night started with a technical foul and a sluggish start but the Aggies rolled to a 78-46 romp over Division II opponent Oklahoma Panhandle State on Thursday night. Playing without injured forward Troy Gillenwater and center Hamidu Rahman, the Aggies led Panhandle State by 18 at the break and cruised to the 32-point victory.
The Aggies shot 48.3 percent in the first half that saw them score 38 points. The Aggie defense held OPSU to just 24.6 percent shooting for the game from the floor and just 33.3 percent from the free throw stripe.
Bandja Sy led the Aggies in scoring with 12 points and senior guard Gordo Castillo returned from a one-game absence, sitting out against Arkansas-Pine Bluff on Monday night after injuring his ankle in the Aggies' loss to New Mexico on Saturday. Castillo's playing time was limited to 16 minutes but he managed nine points while hitting 2-of-3 three pointers.
The Aggies improve to 4-7 on the season and return to action on Saturday for the Lou Henson Classic where they'll host Pacific. Tipoff is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Click here to read more.
Schools teach an unarmed society is safer than one with armed citizens
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Michael Swickard
Swickard Columns

You would have thought she tried to kill several students as the school rushed to protect the innocent students at the school. The zero tolerance school expelled her with further punishment to follow. Education officials insist the gun law has no “wiggle room” that she must be held to the same standard as someone bringing a firearm onto campus with the intent to commit murder. First, it was secured unloaded in her trunk, she did not bring it into the school, only the school parking lot. And, actually, the law does have lots of “wiggle room” but some administrators are phobic about guns, any guns.
This case has people on both sides of the issue “up in arms.” One Montana blog wrote, “The theory that people with malice will be intimidated into good conduct if people without malice are punished in lieu of them is idiocy at its finest.”
This is not about guns or safety. It shows no connection with real gun violence and actually makes schools far less safe. One argument is that “zero tolerance on guns” includes the police except when responding to a call. Otherwise, the police must lock their weapons in the trunk of their police cars. If they want to bring a gun onto a school campus they must call a school administrator at the main office to get permission. Remember, we are talking about uniform police who are on duty. After the firestorm of protests, the Albuquerque Public Schools were forced to change that policy.
Likewise, in 2008 a Communications Professor at a Connecticut school sparked controversy by calling the police when a student during a class speech talked about the Second amendment in talking about the three dozen people killed at Virginia Tech University because none of them could shoot back. The professor called the police because students were “scared and uncomfortable” during the speech. I guess it was really a speech about the First Amendment, eh?
The list goes on and on. A Colorado high school student on a military drill team was given a 10 day suspension for having a non-functioning drill team rifle in her car in the school parking lot. Many schools and colleges are hostile to the military who are recruiting.
George Orwell wrote, “We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” The zero-tolerance policies show an ignorance of what really does make us safe in society. When someone intends murder, a charge of carrying a gun on a school campus is ludicrous at best.
Mexico has some of the most severe gun control laws of any nation and has had almost 30,000 citizens killed in gun violence in the last four years. How is that gun control law working? Only outlaws have guns. Does that make the citizens safer? No.
Now don’t be a donkey and think I am advocating students bringing guns to schools. I completely agree when students bring weapons to school there is reason for alarm. Rather, I am saying that in the case that someone inadvertently has a gun secured in the trunk of their car, it is quite different. In fact, I think that what is in the trunk of a student’s vehicle is like what the student has in their room at home and is constitutionally protected. Again, not to take it out of the trunk.
Attempting to keep uniform officers from bringing weapons onto school property is wrong. Citizens are only safe because the police are trained and prepared to use deadly force. The school’s anti-gun policies are inculcating young minds; giving them the wrong messages about what really does keep them safe… guns in the hands of the police and law-abiding citizens.
PS – they did not make permanent the expulsion of the Montana student and after an emotional meeting Monday they allowed her to return to school. That still leaves the question of the constitutionality of considering a closed and locked vehicle in a parking lot to be different than the constitutional guarantees of a residence. But at least there was a modicum of good thinking. Or was it that every school leader understood that the school board was set to be swept out of office and then the leadership in the school changed if she was not quickly reinstated? I believe the community was one bad decision by the school board away from a clean sweep.
Schools teach an unarmed society is safer than one with armed citizens
Eric Holder:Martin Luther King, Father of the Environmental Justice Movement
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Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics

Eric Holder:Martin Luther King, Father of the Environmental Justice Movement
Defunding Planned Parenthood
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Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics

Defunding Planned Parenthood
Dissing Obama's Overtures to Job Creators
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Jim Spence
From Progressive - I don’t know why Obama felt the need to bow down to the chieftains of American business on Wednesday. But there he was, sounding like a composite of Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan. Like Coolidge, who said, “The business of America is business,” Obama told the 20 CEOs: “We want to be boosters because when you do well, America does well.” But wait just a second here.
Corporate America is already doing quite well, thank you. They’re making record profits. And yet the rest of America is not doing well at all. Real wages are stagnant, if not falling. 15 million Americans are officially unemployed—and many more unofficially. And several million Americans have lost their homes.
So what was Obama talking about? Then he went on, like Reagan, and said, “I believe that the primary engine of America’s economic success is not government. It’s the ingenuity of America’s entrepreneurs.” This bromide only serves to undercut the much-needed role of government in our economy especially when times are tough, like now. Obama acted as the supplicant to the CEOs: “I want to dispel any notion that we want to inhibit your success,” he said. And to top it off, Obama said, “We need to redouble our commitment to fiscal discipline.” That’s precisely the wrong medicine to prescribe right now when we need to resuscitate the economy. Read full column here:
Dissing Obama's Overtures to Job Creators
Real Academic Accountability: CHOICE
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Jim Spence
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Howard Rich |
According to the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) –released to considerable hand-wringing in Washington, D.C. last week – America’s reading scores have slipped by four points over the last nine years. Our fifteen-year-old students now trail their counterparts in Shanghai by 56 points – with even larger gaps existing in science (73 points) and mathematics (113 points). U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan called these disappointing results a “wake-up call,” adding that “I think we have to invest in reform, not in the status quo.” Read full column here:
Real Academic Accountability: CHOICE
Elder: The Language of "Tax Cuts"
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Jim Spence
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Larry Elder |

To the agenda items supposedly of concern to "the little guy," add another: maligning the rich as wicked, greedy and undeserving.
Stick this on the left-wing list-of-grave-issues, along with global warming/climate change, cap and trade, union card check, "investing in green jobs of the future," renewable biofuels, overturning "don't ask, don't tell," gay marriage, the DREAM Act, suing Arizona for doing something about the problem of illegal aliens, and the First Lady's war on fat kids. Read full column here:
Elder: The Language of "Tax Cuts"
Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Him Away
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Bill Richardson |
Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Him Away
Greeks Continue to Self-Destruct
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News
From the Telegraph - Kostis Hatzidakis, who is now an opposition MP, was left with blood pouring from his head after being chased and beaten by dozens of protesters. He was set upon by up to 100 youths, who shouted "Thieves" and "Shame on you" when he emerged from the Greek parliament building on Constitution Square, in central Athens. Protesters hurled lumps of concrete and paving stones at riot police, set fire to cars and smashed shop fronts. The violence in Greece erupted during a general strike called by unions to protest against new labour laws which unions say will give employers too much power and take workers' rights "back to the Middle Ages." Greece is struggling to reform its economy under conditions set by a 110 billion euro international bail-out package but many Greeks feel that they have ceded away their sovereignty to the European Union and International Monetary Fund. Read full story here:

Greeks Continue to Self-Destruct