NM Among Nation's Most Competitive Senate Races
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Friday, April 8, 2011
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics

Oil Is Now Up $82 a Barrell During Obama Presidency
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
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On deck for America are uneconomical wind and solar plants made possible only by billions in taxpayer dollar subsidies. Many estimates peg the price of electricity tripling in some markets as the administration's traditional energy hating regulators at the EPA effectively shut down coal-fired plants in places like Farmington, New Mexico. The enemy according Obama EPA appointees? The gases plants cannot live without (CO2). What can New Mexicans do as their energy costs skyrocket and their discretionary income plunges? Keep digging into their wallets and purses and cutting back on their purchases. And come 2012 they should realize they will get another chance to think more carefully about who the reigns of government get handed to. Others have big plans for this weekend. They will be clearing away hundreds of pounds of dead native plants in their yards that died thanks to record cold temperatures in February. Do not despair! As you refill your gas tank on the way home from the landfill, at least you can take great comfort in knowing that as you pay up for gas and electricity that you will be saving all of us from the horrible threat of........global warming. Madness?
Oil Is Now Up $82 a Barrell During Obama Presidency
More State Regulation of Healthcare on Way
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Dede Feldman |
More State Regulation of Healthcare on Way
Why Paul Ryan Did Us All a Favor
Posted by
Jim Spence
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John Grubesic |
Why Paul Ryan Did Us All a Favor
Molitor: Johnson Has It Right on Marijuana
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Thomas Molitor |
NMPolitics - The “war on drugs” is a losing battle. Our former governor touched a third-rail when he took a stance in favor of the legalization of marijuana back in the 90s. Now it appears he is to run in the presidential Republican primary in 2012 (by the way, why not for Bigaman’s vacated senatorial seat, Gary?). After $1 trillion spent on the “War on Drugs,” even the United States drug czar Gil Kerlikowske concedes that, “in the grand scheme, it has not been successful.” Meanwhile, with 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States now has 25 percent of the world’s prison population. In a recent report, the Associated Press assembled some pretty grim statistics. Here are just a few. The federal government has evidently spent $33 billion in various antidrug messages and prevention programs. But high-school students continue to use illegal drugs at the same rate as in 1970, and drug overdoses have risen steadily since then.
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Gary Johnson |
Some 37 million nonviolent drug offenders – about 10 million of them using marijuana – have been arrested, at a cost of $121 billion; jail time, research shows, tends to increase drug abuse. Another $450 billion has been spent on locking these people up in federal prisons alone. At some point, it becomes impossible to pretend any longer that government and its law enforcement arm can solve a problem of this nature. This is a job for families and local institutions, not a paramilitary police state spearheaded by the DEA. Read full column here: News New Mexico
Molitor: Johnson Has It Right on Marijuana
Harbison: Political Polarization
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |

Here we are now trying to pass another “continuing resolution” to fund the government for the remainder of the current budget year instead of working on critical policy issues. Neither political party is willing to actually sit down and seriously discuss what is important and necessary for the benefit of the American people. They have become so politically rigid that they have lost track of their purpose and the ability to work together.
This polarization exists at state and local levels. New Mexicans overwhelmingly wanted to eliminate driver’s licenses for illegals and a bi-partisan bill was passed by the House but died in the Senate on partisan lines. It wasn’t defeated on its merit but by the Democrat Party trying to send a strong message to the newly elected Republican governor that partisan politics would continue to rule New Mexico.

Rather than discuss the issue on its merits the Democrats chose to resort to name calling to attempt to discredit those opposing Agenda 21. Using this tactic they never have to defend their position on the merits of any issue. This has been their pattern for a long time and in my opinion is the primary reason our nation is in the situation we now find ourselves. Civil discussion is paramount to a democratic society. Constitutionally, we have freedom of speech but unfortunately, when it comes to political discussions, we have lost the ability to talk to and respect each other. It is no longer fashionable, or politically acceptable, to be the “friendly opposition” where we can agree to disagree and still respect each other.

Adoption of this philosophy would certainly improve the civility of our discussions and enhance the respect we show to each other and facilitate social and legislative progress.
Harbison: Political Polarization
NM Job Creators Face $128 Million Shakedown
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
The Republic - SANTA FE, N.M. — Gov. Susana Martinez is up against a deadline for dealing with measures passed by the Legislature, including a $5.4 billion budget and a bill to increase taxes on businesses. The governor must complete action on bills Friday, deciding whether to sign or veto them. Martinez has the option with the budget of using line-item veto powers to eliminate individual allocations of money. The governor previously has said she plans to veto a bill raising taxes on businesses by $128 million to prevent the unemployment compensation program from becoming insolvent. Read full story here: News New Mexico

NM Job Creators Face $128 Million Shakedown
Obama Veto Threat Forces Cancellation
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Steve Pearce |
Obama Veto Threat Forces Cancellation
Welfare Funded, Troops?......Nope
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
Taking a few steps back from the hysteria of the looming government shutdown, a few points seem noteworthy. First, the budget deal Congress is arguing about right now should have been passed prior to July of 2010. This fiscal year is almost over. Why are we discussing the budget for it? President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi had more than twelve months to pass the current budget. And they could do it with huge majorities. Now they blame the budget impasse on their opponents. The truth is Obama, Reid, and Pelosi preferred the so-called “Continuing Resolution” (C.R.) method of spending because with a “C.R.” they did not have to actually go on the record as having voted for a plan that involved a $1.5 trillion budget deficit in 2010.

Welfare Funded, Troops?......Nope