Why Paul Ryan Did Us All a Favor

John Grubesic
Capitol Report New Mexico - I know two things about Rep. Paul Ryan: He has good hair and Benito Lujan hates him, or at least his proposed budget. Let’s run the guy for president! Granted the widow’s peak makes him look a tad ghoulish and his proposed budget is going to keep the wealthy, well, wealthy and the poor … poorer. Ryan’s budget takes on two of the three entitlements that are part of the holy trinity of American politics. Let me correct the statement above: I know three things about Ryan — he also has guts. He acts like a guy who doesn’t care if he gets re-elected or is really good at faking it. That makes him dangerous to stuffed shirts of every political stripe and exactly what Washington needs. I haven’t looked closely at Ryan’s “path to prosperity.” I know Nancy Pelosi started squawking before Ryan finished his press conference, Palin couldn’t stop gushing about it and Obama has yet to make a forceful finger-point denouncing Ryan’s proposal. Read full column here: News New Mexico


Anonymous said...

With the exception of Grubesic's claim that the tax cuts helped get us into this mess, I would agree with most of what he says. The wealthiest and highest earning Americans currently pay more than 60% of the taxes collected. It's difficult to rationalize and argue that the top 5% to 10% need to be paying 70% or 80% of the tax dollars collected in order for the system to be fair. The problem IS the spending, not the tax system. The reason WHY Obama wants to spend more seems fairly simple to me; Obama wants the nation's deficit to be so high that WHEN the "doo-doo" hits the fan the congress and the sitting president will have no choice but to significantly raise taxes on the rich and FORCE those who have worked the hardest, saved and invested the most and succeeded in life to pay for ALL the debt he's encumbered as a result of giving handouts to those who have less. If he can sustain this growing tidal wave of debt and entitlement liability, he's certain that we'll have no other choice but to take from those who have earned it, inherited it or grew it. So here we are at a crossroad; the GOP has called BS on Obama's socialist plot. He and his fellow socialist swine have carefully orchestrated a showdown over which path to lead the country. The people have a clear choice; SUPPORT those who advocate spending WITHIN our means and reigning in entitlements OR SUPPORT those who insist upon policies that will increase the existing deficits and force and end to capitalism, the spirit of entrepreneurship and the very fiber and foundation upon which America became the greatest economic power in the world. If the people can be frightened into choosing higher deficits the unintended consequences will be devastating beyond the average person's comprehension. The land of opportunity will continue to evolve into the land of mediocrity and apathy.

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