Clinton - Why You Didn't Join the Klan
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Monday, July 5, 2010
National News

Only in NM State Government
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Is state government the personal kingdom of higher ups in Santa Fe? Can the laws governing employment be manipulated or ignored while the rest of us are expected to simply send in our tax dollars and keep our mouths shut? Larry Barker of KRQE TV in Albuquerque uncovers dubious employment practices in Santa Fe. This video is worth viewing to understand the culture in Santa Fe. See here:

Only in NM State Government
Local Tea Party at the Park
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News
Yesterday (meaning Saturday) was tremendous! The efforts of Betty Russell and her committee provided tremendous fruit! What a wonderful day to spend with like minded patriots thanks to the 350 to 400 who came to celebrate with the Las Cruces Tea Party. Thank you to the Mesilla Valley Fireman's Chaplin who reminded us of those who have given the ultimate in their defense of our freedoms... Bart Trotter, Mickey Cochran, and Mark Remington and the Riversong Ramblers provided a reminder of the Americana we have often lost but seek to regain with their foot tapping music and vocal support
of our efforts... Harvey Baldwin'sTeam expressed the Las Cruces Tea Parties core values in a wonderfully designed and crafted Electric Light Parade Float! Watching from the crowd when it came by gave me a great deal of pride for his and your efforts! .......and oh by the way it wasn't just a great float it was the FIRST PLACE WINNER IN THE NON-COMMERCIAL CATEGORY!

Local Tea Party at the Park
Governor's Fundraising Race
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
A look at the fundraising race in New Mexico's gubernatorial election is a case of the "Haves" and "Have Nots." Susana Martinez of Las Cruces has only $1 in funds for every $7 Diane Denish has. Denish is backed by literally an army of lobbyists and lawyers (last count 450 and growing). Accordingly, Denish is sitting on more than $2.1 million in her campaign war chest. Martinez has about $300,000. Read the details here:
Governor's Fundraising Race
Andy Grove - We Better Get "Job Centric"
Posted by
Jim Spence
Former Intel CEO Andy Grove wrote a great book a few years ago called, "Only the Paranoid Survive." In the book he explains how difficult it is to compete in the world of business. Grove knows a thing or two about job creation. He shares his ideas here:

Andy Grove - We Better Get "Job Centric"
Apple Suddenly Thinking About Playing Defense
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News
One of the greatest success stories of the last decade is Apple Computer. Suddenly the company seems to be getting pressure.....not to continue to compete for customers, but to manage how it is "perceived" by government lawyers looking for litigation targets. Maybe Washington D.C. should study our quote of the week by John Wooden. Read about the changes at Apple here:

Apple Suddenly Thinking About Playing Defense
Part III - Partisan Politics - Energy Problems
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
American energy consumption patterns have not changed much since 1973. However, there are many millions more cars and trucks on the roads now then there were thirty-seven years ago. And unlike the situation at the time of the first energy problem wake up call, China is now placing astronomical new demands on global energy supplies. China (not the U.S.) is now the largest market for new cars in the world.
Republicans are unapologetic about their role in America’s unsolved energy problems. They deserve some credit for the basic understanding that our entire economy is based on automobiles and tractor trailer units hauling people and goods from place to place. However, far too often GOP officials are convinced to blindly ignore all the hidden security costs of importing oil, particularly from countries where radical Islamic groups perpetuate violently anti-western attitudes.
As short-sighted as Republicans are in not fighting harder for the inevitable conversion to nuclear power, Democrats take an even more naive approach towards energy. It is an inconvenient truth that climate change promoters like Al Gore cannot be satisfied with conducting video teleconferences to spread their version of the gospel. In the end, climate change preachers dismiss the fact that France powers 80% of its electricity grid with nuclear energy. Climate change generals conduct themselves like the Reverend Jimmy Swaggert when he is headed to a gospel revival. The recent climate change conference in Copenhagen is a perfect example. Al Gore and hundreds of his comrades arrived in Denmark in gas guzzling private jets. Amazingly, environmentally-sensitive delegates rented every gas guzzling limousine within three hundred kilometers. Persistent reporters who asked very logical questions about the scandals within the climate change movement were summarily removed from the rooms where press conferences were held.
It is important for America to remember as the images of what is happening in the gulf continue to be transmitted on television screens of what we as a nation have settled for. The nation’s out-of-sight, out-of-mind, energy risk management program consists of too much drilling in five thousand feet of water or not drilling at all. The gulf oil spill has become a monument to how we choose our policymakers. Now that we are being inundated with images of oil covered beaches, devastated marshes, idle fishing boats, and dead wildlife, we should realize we as voters are actually looking in the mirror.
America could correct this problem in a relatively short period of time. The advanced science of physics has been pointing well-informed individuals in the right direction on the question of “renewable energy” for decades. Unfortunately, after thirty-seven years of national procrastination, America runs a real risk of going broke before it finally commits to nuclear power and solves its energy addictions.
The U.S. has already missed the vast early commercial opportunities available in capturing lithium-ion battery innovations. Plans are underway to ramp up production of battery powered automobiles. And many American states, desperate for jobs, are vying to land domestic battery manufacturing facilities. However, it is excruciatingly obvious that transitional problems remain unsolved. Batteries in electric cars will require re-charging. And a near complete conversion to nuclear-based electrical power (a la France) that can charge the vehicles will take fifteen years from the day Congress and the White House finally kicks its own “asses.”
Could there be any silver lining in meeting the challenges we face? The answer is yes. Once America gets committed to a viable long range nuclear energy plan, the financial markets will tend to have a way of injecting confidence into our ailing system. If sound energy policy steps are intelligent and legitimate, the markets will likely ease some of the transitional pain.
What America has been experiencing the last couple of years is NOT temporary pain. The financial markets now fear that perpetual incompetence in American leadership is increasingly likely to lead us to economic Armageddon. And at the heart of our problems is partisan politics-enabled bad energy policy. As of July 2010 it would seem that campaign contributions can buy anything America; apparently, anything except intelligent long range energy planning.

Republicans are unapologetic about their role in America’s unsolved energy problems. They deserve some credit for the basic understanding that our entire economy is based on automobiles and tractor trailer units hauling people and goods from place to place. However, far too often GOP officials are convinced to blindly ignore all the hidden security costs of importing oil, particularly from countries where radical Islamic groups perpetuate violently anti-western attitudes.
As short-sighted as Republicans are in not fighting harder for the inevitable conversion to nuclear power, Democrats take an even more naive approach towards energy. It is an inconvenient truth that climate change promoters like Al Gore cannot be satisfied with conducting video teleconferences to spread their version of the gospel. In the end, climate change preachers dismiss the fact that France powers 80% of its electricity grid with nuclear energy. Climate change generals conduct themselves like the Reverend Jimmy Swaggert when he is headed to a gospel revival. The recent climate change conference in Copenhagen is a perfect example. Al Gore and hundreds of his comrades arrived in Denmark in gas guzzling private jets. Amazingly, environmentally-sensitive delegates rented every gas guzzling limousine within three hundred kilometers. Persistent reporters who asked very logical questions about the scandals within the climate change movement were summarily removed from the rooms where press conferences were held.
It is important for America to remember as the images of what is happening in the gulf continue to be transmitted on television screens of what we as a nation have settled for. The nation’s out-of-sight, out-of-mind, energy risk management program consists of too much drilling in five thousand feet of water or not drilling at all. The gulf oil spill has become a monument to how we choose our policymakers. Now that we are being inundated with images of oil covered beaches, devastated marshes, idle fishing boats, and dead wildlife, we should realize we as voters are actually looking in the mirror.
America could correct this problem in a relatively short period of time. The advanced science of physics has been pointing well-informed individuals in the right direction on the question of “renewable energy” for decades. Unfortunately, after thirty-seven years of national procrastination, America runs a real risk of going broke before it finally commits to nuclear power and solves its energy addictions.
The U.S. has already missed the vast early commercial opportunities available in capturing lithium-ion battery innovations. Plans are underway to ramp up production of battery powered automobiles. And many American states, desperate for jobs, are vying to land domestic battery manufacturing facilities. However, it is excruciatingly obvious that transitional problems remain unsolved. Batteries in electric cars will require re-charging. And a near complete conversion to nuclear-based electrical power (a la France) that can charge the vehicles will take fifteen years from the day Congress and the White House finally kicks its own “asses.”
Could there be any silver lining in meeting the challenges we face? The answer is yes. Once America gets committed to a viable long range nuclear energy plan, the financial markets will tend to have a way of injecting confidence into our ailing system. If sound energy policy steps are intelligent and legitimate, the markets will likely ease some of the transitional pain.

Part III - Partisan Politics - Energy Problems
Stranded Course - Stranded Jobs
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
The City Council's agenda for Tuesday July 6th contains the following item: (16) Resolution No. 11-012.
There are thousands of job-seeking citizens and risk-taking citizens relying on clear thought processes of various councilors. When you get past all of the gibberish contained in the language of the resolution, the Las Cruces City Council will answer one very simple question. Does this council wish to continue to send a message to city staffers that the council wants to manage every detail involved in opening of this beautiful golf course just north of U.S. Highway 70?
Councilors can stop stranding this course and the jobs associated with it by casting a vote on Tuesday that merely begins the process of bringing some relief to those seeking employment. Will council do so or will other "priorities" crowd out the income earning opportunities local unemployed citizens have? We'll let you know.
Stranded Course - Stranded Jobs
The Denunciatory Ethic Part II
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
See The Denunciatory Ethic Part 1
Much like President Obama today, Jimmy Carter (left) tended to embrace the Denunciatory Ethic during his presidency. We were reminded of the essence of Carter’s presidency while watching an “Iranian hostage crisis” documentary recently. When Islamic extremists took American hostages at the U.S. embassy Carter declared, “We won’t abandon our struggle for a decent and fair society here at home.” The odd aspect of this statement being that Carter felt compelled to make it immediately following his condemnation of those who took U.S. Embassy officials and other occupants as hostages in Iran. It was clear by Carter’s declaration that even in the aftermath of that unprovoked assault on Americans he felt it was necessary to placate America’s domestic denouncers through a brief exercise in self-flagellation. In doing so, clearly Carter was hoping to head off any insinuations that his response to the obvious aggression might actually be a misconstrued as a colonial-like exploitation campaign against the new theocracy in Iran. And much like President Obama who has also bent over backwards to try to engage in diplomacy with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (below right) of Iran, President Carter was condemned by those in power there anyway.
Much like President Obama today, Jimmy Carter (left) tended to embrace the Denunciatory Ethic during his presidency. We were reminded of the essence of Carter’s presidency while watching an “Iranian hostage crisis” documentary recently. When Islamic extremists took American hostages at the U.S. embassy Carter declared, “We won’t abandon our struggle for a decent and fair society here at home.” The odd aspect of this statement being that Carter felt compelled to make it immediately following his condemnation of those who took U.S. Embassy officials and other occupants as hostages in Iran. It was clear by Carter’s declaration that even in the aftermath of that unprovoked assault on Americans he felt it was necessary to placate America’s domestic denouncers through a brief exercise in self-flagellation. In doing so, clearly Carter was hoping to head off any insinuations that his response to the obvious aggression might actually be a misconstrued as a colonial-like exploitation campaign against the new theocracy in Iran. And much like President Obama who has also bent over backwards to try to engage in diplomacy with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (below right) of Iran, President Carter was condemned by those in power there anyway.

A “national self-guilt” game is initiated whenever an attempt to turn American attention towards border security and away from its own shortcomings is made. When denouncers apply stinging criticisms of America and yet refuse to apply the same standards of behavior to all other nations, they enable the swell of global anti-American sentiment to grow. We saw a fine example of this recently. With the full support of the White House, Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon (below) was allowed to criticize Arizona’s new border security law which essentially mirrors Mexico’s laws.
How has the U.S. media dealt with the denunciation movement? For several decades the majority of urban newspapers and national television networks appeared to practically fawn over anyone willing to utter anti-American rhetoric. However, in recent years not all domestic journalism outlets have directed sympathetic coverage towards the aims or words of denouncers. Since the late 1990’s the Fox News Network has provided significant weighting in the media to the recognition of American generosity and successes rather then place an emphasis on its shortcomings and failures. American citizens have responded to this non-denunciatory approach by making Fox News the top-rated cable news network In America by a wide margin.
Many sources within the denunciation movement attack Fox News. These attacks tend to reflect growing anguish within the denouncer community. Prior to the ascension of Fox News to the top domestic ratings spot in television news, the best way for a denouncing politician to avoid being criticized for being “dangerously patriotic” or “insensitively unconcerned” was to simply lead campaigns that trumpet American shortcomings. These days when any prominent denouncer engages in America bashing, they can count on being confronted by Fox.The Denunciatory Ethic Part II