Over $400,000 seized at El Paso Bridge of the Americas
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Tuesday, January 18, 2011

KRQE: APS votes no on suing state
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

KRQE: APS votes no on suing state
Six reasons America is only the ninth-most free economy in the world
Posted by
Michael Swickard

1. Government Spending: As of November 2010, the national debt stood at about $14 trillion. Most of the increase in America’s debt level can be attributed to unprecedented levels of spending in recent years and government efforts to resolve the financial collapse of 2008.
2. Healthcare reform: “President Obama’s new health care law calls for massive new spending and vastly expanded regulatory powers for the federal government,” noted Terry Miller and Kim R. Holmes, both editors for the Index.
3. The Frank-Dodd Act: Widely hailed as the “sweeping Wall Street reforms” needed to prevent another financial meltdown, it is ironic the bill has actually contributed to the nation’s economic decline, at least according to the Index of Economic Freedom.
4. Bureaucratic Regulations: The study’s authors specifically cited regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for America’s economic ranking decline.
5. Corporate Tax Rate: The study goes on to warn that the U.S. has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. And because of reforms in Japan, that could change to the U.S having the highest rates.
6. Failure to pass free trade agreements: Read more
Six reasons America is only the ninth-most free economy in the world
When Rising Food/Energy Prices Begin to Wreak Havoc
Posted by
Michael Swickard

When Rising Food/Energy Prices Begin to Wreak Havoc
On This Day in New Mexico History - January 19
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Writer Eugene Manlove Rhodes was born on 19 January 1869, at Tecumseh, Nebraska, the son of Hinman and Julia Manlove Rhodes. His father served with Company H, 28th Infantry Regiment Illinois (Full Colonel) during the Civil War. After the war he served in the Nebraska Legislature and later was superintendent of the Mescalero Indian Reservation in New Mexico. Gene Rhodes bought his first saddle as a teenager with soap coupons his family had saved. Between 1884 and 1886 he worked on cattle ranches like the Bar Cross on the Jornada del Muerto in central New Mexico. After attending the University of the Pacific, San Jose for two years, Rhodes tried prospecting and hauling freight before he started his own 6,000 acre ranch in Sierra County, New Mexico. The ranch was nestled in the San Andres Mountains within a valley that would later bear his name. In 1899 Rhodes married May Davison (1871-1957) a widow from Appalachian, New York. A few years later the couple moved to New York after May's father, Louis Davison, became ill. There Rhodes farmed and began writing about his beloved New Mexico. His stories were first accepted by McClure's Magazine and later The Saturday Evening Post. Book List. Rhodes and his wife returned to New Mexico in 1926, living first in Santa Fe, then Alamogordo and finally at White Mountain near Three Rivers in a house provided by former Senator Albert Bacon Fall. In 1930, ill health forced Rhodes to move to Pacific Beach, California where he died of a heart attack on 27 June, 1934. His last request was to be buried in the San Andres Mountains near his old ranch. For
many years groups of his admirers would gather by his gravesite on the anniversary of his passing. Many considered Rhodes as the most accurate of the chroniclers of the old Southwest. He had 16 movies and an episode in 1958 of a western series based on his writing. See list here The 1948 movie, Four Faces West from his book Paso Por Aqui is still available to be seen. Rhodes Hall on the campus of New Mexico State University is named in his honor. Rhodes is out of copyright, therefore, Project Gutenberg has some of his books as free ebooks. My favorite is, Bransford of Rainbow Range

On This Day in New Mexico History - January 19
The Blame is Within
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
Pulaski Column
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Rachel Pulaski |
The Blame is Within
The Great Depression 2
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
From americanthinker.com - The Great Depression's harshest rebuke is not that it was relentlessly bad; it's that periodic good news always ended up turning worse again, like a false summit. The persistent reappearance of bad news in the 1930's directly correlates with investor uncertainty created by Roosevelt's incessant meddling. In short, it took a disastrous and transformative presidency to make a "depression" out of "recession" -- even if not all months, quarters, and years were uniformly bad. Today, just as then, almost one in four working-age Americans (or non-citizens, who also must be counted since they are part of the available work force) are unemployed. This 25% estimate includes those who previously were not in the workforce but who are looking now, presumably out of hardship. Tending to confirm this, a recent household survey found 22% unemployed. Conversely, the latest United States Bureau of Labor Statics (BLS) report puts the number at 9.9%. The disparity arises because the BLS number counts individuals receiving unemployment checks. No check? Not counted. More here

The Great Depression 2
Obama 2.0: The Reinvention Begins
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
From americanthinker.com -Barack Obama will adapt even more, altering his image so he can again appeal to the great center of American voters: the jackpot that every candidate must win to enter the White House. Will Obama be able to connect with voters, as every politician must, on a personal level? Conservatives should not count Obama out yet. He may be cold-blooded, but he is a chameleon who can change the way people perceive him. Indeed, he has already begun to do so. The premiere of Obama 2.0 took place in Tucson, where his speech was warmly received and a new, more emotional Obama was on display (the voice cracking brings to mind the lip-chewing of a thoughtful Bill Clinton). And the road show has only just commenced. A clue to Obama's ability and willingness to adapt can be found in the words of his book Dreams from My Father. There he mentioned only one book, Malcolm X's autobiography, and wrote that Malcolm X's "repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me." Therein lies the clue to Obama's plan to rebrand his own image. A man who can fake a Southern accent, the story of how his father came to America, and the story of his parents' being inspired by the Civil Rights march in Selma to conceive him has no problem morphing for political purposes. We are about to watch the extreme makeover of Barack Obama in real time. More here

Obama 2.0: The Reinvention Begins
Martinez: Let's Get to Work
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Governor Martinez |

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State Jet |
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Andy Nunez |
Martinez: Let's Get to Work
Ben Lujan Retains Speaker Post
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Ben Lujan |
Ben Lujan Retains Speaker Post
On This Day In New Mexico History - January 18
Posted by
Michael Swickard

In 1847, first territorial governor Charles Bent was assassinated during the Taos Revolt, an insurrection by Mexicans and Native Americans. He had been appointed first territorial governor in September 1846. Though his office was in Santa Fe, Bent maintained his residence and store in Taos.
Born in Charleston, WV he attended West Point. Leaving the army, he and younger brother William in 1828 took a wagon train of goods from St. Louis to Santa Fe. They we able develop mercantile contacts over the Santa Fe Trail establishing a series of "forts" to facilitate trade with the Plains Indians, including Bent's Fort outside La Junta, CO, It has been restored and is now a National Historic Site.
Just four months after being appointed governor He was assassinated. The women in the Bent home escaped to safety through a hole in the parlor wall. Bent and renowned frontier scout

Governor Bent Elementary School in NE Albuquerque is named in his honor.
On This Day In New Mexico History - January 18
What To Look For in Upcoming Session
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Brigette Russell |
What To Look For in Upcoming Session
President Has New Operating Principle
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
ABC News - President Obama today will sign an executive order to make clear the operating principle of the US government is to strike the right balance with regulations, neither "placing unreasonable burdens on business—burdens that have stifled innovation and have had a chilling effect on growth and jobs" nor failing to "protect the public interest." The president made the announcement in an oped in the conservative opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal, in yet another sign his move may be based in part in moving towards the political center (or at least being perceived as doing so.) The administration, the president writes, is "making it our mission to root out regulations that conflict, that are not worth the cost, or that are just plain dumb." Read full story:

President Has New Operating Principle
Sowell: Budget Crisis Rhetoric
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Thomas Sowell |
Sowell: Budget Crisis Rhetoric
Apple's Steve Jobs Takes Another Leave
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News
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Steve Jobs |
L.A. Times - Steve Jobs' decision to take a medical leave from Apple Inc. was probably triggered either by an infection, a rejection episode related to his recent liver transplant or, most likely, a recurrence of his pancreatic cancer, experts said Monday. But all cautioned that these are just educated guesses because so few details about his medical condition have been made public. "If we don't know more, it is all speculation," said Dr. Heinz-Josef Lenz, a gastrointestinal oncologist at USC's Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. "But we worry the tumor is back." Jobs' cancer, diagnosed in 2003, is known as an islet cell, or neuroendocrine, tumor. That is a much rarer form of pancreatic tumor than the type suffered by actor Patrick Swayze, who died in 2009, but also a much more survivable form.

Apple's Steve Jobs Takes Another Leave
China's President Hu Jintao Headed for America
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News
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Hu Jintao |
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Beijing |
Hu will also visit the midwestern city of Chicago. "China and the United States should act in the fundamental interests of our two peoples and uphold the overall interests of world peace and development," Hu said in a written interview with the U.S. press prior to the visit. "We should rise up to challenges, remove disturbances, work for shared goals and promote continuous growth of our relations," Hu said. U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman has said Hu's state visit was "a very exciting and historic time in the U.S.-China relationship." Read full story here:
China's President Hu Jintao Headed for America
Lujan Speaks on Eve of Session
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Ben Lujan |
Lujan Speaks on Eve of Session