The pictures in this story depict a truly spectacular golf course right here in Las Cruces.....that NOBODY can play.
News New Mexico has attempted to investigate the reasons why city policy makers have denied Las Crucens the right to play this course. And we have been left with many unanswered questions and vaguely worded answers that make no sense. So far City Hall has effectively destroyed the opportunity for citizens to use this facility. It is time for all citizens to know why.

The problem runs much deeper than merely a beautiful golf course that sits idle. Our area is suffering from an absence of jobs. While permits for the clubhouse are denied and this facility stands idle, local construction workers remain laid off and struggle to pay their bills. Visiting golfers who might bring their money to Las Cruces stay away. While this facility remains wasted, local golf club members are losing their rights to fulfill carefully made plans. Examples of lost opportunities and waste go on and on. Local road building workers seeking employment are finding none. Road building equipment stands idle. State road funds, set aside for construction of a second road to the golf course, remain stranded. There are many more puzzling aspects to this story. New public schools are near completion in the same area (see previous Las Cruces News stories). These schools will be opening soon. Simply put, many millions of dollars worth of local jobs and untold amounts of gross receipts tax revenue are being tossed in the dumpster or reasons that so far make no sense.

It is easy to see just from a quick look at the pictures of this beautiful 18 hole golf course that millions of dollar in investments have already been made in Las Cruces. Las Crucens deserve to enjoy the fruits of the investments that created this facility. We are hoping very soon to get answers to a simple question. Why can't anyone play? There is great irony in the fact that there is another beautiful new facility that is already being used here in Las Cruces (see a picture below). It is of course the new City Hall. We hope to have a picture of the special new City Hall parking area soon.

Stranded Golf Course in Las Cruces