Bad time for movie center, senator says
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Wednesday, December 8, 2010
New Mexico News

Wilderness Big Green Payoff
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics

Wilderness Big Green Payoff
Cuckoo in Cancun: Global Warming Causes Obesity
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
International News,
National News

Cuckoo in Cancun: Global Warming Causes Obesity
UN:Illegal Immigration is Caused by Global Warming?
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
International News

UN:Illegal Immigration is Caused by Global Warming?
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Bill Gross |
From PIMCO Investment Outlook - The global economy is suffering from a lack of aggregate demand. With insufficient demand, nations compete furiously for their share of the diminishing growth pie. In the U.S. and Euroland, many policies only temporarily bolster consumption while failing to address the fundamental problem of developed economies: Job growth is moving inexorably to developing economies because they are more competitive.
Unless developed economies learn to compete the old-fashioned way – by making more goods and making them better – the smart money will continue to move offshore to Asia, Brazil and their developing economy counterparts, both in asset and in currency space. Well we’re living here in Allentown - And they’re closing all the factories down - Out in Bethlehem they’re killing time - Filling out forms - Standing in line - And we’re living here in Allentown – Billy Joel, 1982 Read full commentary here:

La Cueva High School Put on Probation
Posted by
Jim Spence

La Cueva High School Put on Probation
Juarez Extortionsists and Killers Target: Kindergarten
Posted by
Jim Spence
From the El Paso Times - Extortionists are suspected of setting fire to a Juárez kindergarten Monday as the wave of violence continued. The school in colonia San Antonio was supposedly torched because school staff refused demands for payment made by extortionists recently. There were no reported injuries. Classes were canceled indefinitely. As the drug cartel war has raged, extortionists have demanded schools, businesses, medical professionals and others pay for protection. Teachers have also been threatened to hand over their aguinaldo or annual Christmas bonus. There were five murders by Monday evening, including the street ambush of Erika Elizabeth Silva Rivera, 31, a state police investigator. Silva had been assigned to a unit investigating sex crimes. Officials reported 25 homicides Friday through Sunday, including a pair of deadly attacks on drug rehabilitation centers. Four people were killed, seven people wounded and nearly 500 rounds were fired in separate attacks on a pair of drug rehab centers on Sunday night, Chihuahua authorities said Monday. Read full story here:

Juarez Extortionsists and Killers Target: Kindergarten
Hassett: U.K. Takes Medicine, Greece Doesn't
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Kevin Hassett |
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Greek Parthenon |
Hassett: U.K. Takes Medicine, Greece Doesn't
Governance by the Minority
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |
Have you ever considered how our local government works? Are you one of those who still believes that the majority rules and that the City Council represents the wishes and needs of the majority of the citizens? It might come as a surprise to you but this is not happening. We are, in fact, governed by a City Council controlled by a very small minority of non-elected individuals. The policies and regulations within the City of Las Cruces that impact you every day are created by special interest groups and a small vocal minority. I offer the following examples.
Red light cameras were installed at several major intersections in the city. Did the majority of Las Crucens demand that they be installed or was it the Council who wanted the revenue? There was no overwhelming citizen petition or initiative in support of them. However, Redflex who provides the cameras was excited about installing them because they receive 50% of all revenue from them. The actual number of people who contacted the Mayor and City Council to request these be installed was probably less than 500. Five hundred people out of a population of nearly 100,000 are less than half of one percent. That means 99.5% of the population had no opinion, were not consulted, or were considered unimportant by the City Council.

The Cell phone ban was enacted because the Mayor read somewhere that texting was 20 times more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol. Did Las Cruces have a problem with cellphone use that required this ban be enacted? No, it was the personal passion of the Mayor. Again, there was some public input but I would contend that there were probably less than 500 individuals who actually contacted our City Council to enact such legislation. Here we are again with one-half of one per cent of our population making the rules that impact the other 99.5% of the residents.

Those who own recreational vehicles will be faced with new restrictions on where they can park their RV, how long it can remain on a City street, how long someone can occupy it, etc. From the discussions at the Council meeting it is apparent that none of the Council members has ever owned an RV or understands anything about them. The bottom line is that again less than 100 people or one-tenth of one percent of the population are driving the policies of the City.
The minority is setting the rules. We, who represent the majority, must take the initiative to regain control over our elected officials at all levels and reinforce the principle that the elected officials work for us. They need to respect the values and beliefs of those of the larger group that elected them. Perhaps we should demand polices or legislation that require clear support of the majority of the citizens for any particular initiative, resolution, restriction, or law rather than on the whims of the members of the City Council or the demands of the special interest groups that control them.
Governance by the Minority
Bernanke's 21 Month U-Turn
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Caroline Baum |

Bernanke's 21 Month U-Turn
Intelligent Stimulus
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News,
U.S. Politics
From Bloomberg - President Barack Obama’s agreement to prolong Bush-era income-tax cuts may reduce pressure on the Federal Reserve to extend its $600 billion bond-purchase program while spurring U.S. economic growth. Obama’s deal with congressional Republicans may raise gross domestic product next year by as much as half a percentage point to about 3.1 percent, said Michael Feroli, chief U.S. economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in New York. Tom Porcelli, a senior economist at RBC Capital Markets Corp. in New York, is raising his growth forecast for 2011 by one point, also to 3.1 percent. The agreement goes beyond what economists were expecting by including a 2 percent cut in payroll taxes, which fund Social Security and Medicare. The proposal also sets the estate tax at a top rate of 35 percent, extends aid for the long-term unemployed by 13 months and would allow companies next year to deduct the full cost of investments in equipment. Read full story here:

Intelligent Stimulus
Huge Bonanza - Not Taxing the Dead
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
From Bloomberg - Senate Republicans won one of their top priorities in tax-cut negotiations with President Barack Obama by securing what would be the second-lowest U.S. estate tax in 80 years. That victory has now become a focal point for House Democrats, who are venting over what they say is a poor deal that gives a disproportionate amount of benefits to the very rich while padding deficits. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California described the estate tax plan yesterday as “a bridge too far,” and one of her lieutenants, Maryland Representative Chris Van Hollen, called it a “huge bonanza.” “The estate tax has really put people over the edge,” said Representative Allyson Schwartz, a Pennsylvania Democrat and a member of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. Democrats as diverse as Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota, a member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition, and Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, who belongs to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, cited the estate tax as a factor in their decisions to oppose Obama’s proposal. Read full story here:

Huge Bonanza - Not Taxing the Dead
President Being Forced to Defend Himself
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
From Bloomberg - President Barack Obama defended the tax-cut deal he reached with Republican leaders as a pragmatic compromise grounded in the realities of families who otherwise could have seen their taxes rise or jobless benefits halted. Obama, confronting complaints from Democrats in Congress that he gave too much ground by keeping lower rates for the wealthiest Americans for two more years, made no apologies. He said he was unwilling to risk a broad tax increase on Jan. 1 that would have made middle-class families and the economic recovery “collateral damage” in “a political fight.” “This isn’t an abstract debate,” Obama said at a news conference yesterday. “This is real money, for real people, that will make a real difference in the lives of the folks who sent us here.” Read full story here:

President Being Forced to Defend Himself
Why The Need for Health Plan Waivers?
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News
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Obamacare Architect |

Why The Need for Health Plan Waivers?
Stossel: Why Do the Poor Stay Poor
Posted by
Jim Spence
From Townhall.com - Of the 6 billion people on Earth, 2 billion try to survive on a few dollars a day. They don't build businesses, or if they do, they don't expand them. Unlike people in the United States, Europe and Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, etc., they don't lift themselves out of poverty. Why not? What's the difference between them and us? Hernando de Soto taught me that the biggest difference may be property rights. I first met de Soto maybe 15 years ago. It was at one of those lunches where people sit around wondering how to end poverty. I go to these things because it bugs me that much of the world hasn't yet figured out what gave us Americans the power to prosper. I go, but I'm skeptical. There sits de Soto, president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy in Peru, and he starts pulling pictures out showing slum dwellings built on top of each other. I wondered what they meant.

Stossel: Why Do the Poor Stay Poor
Sowell: Walter Williams Memoir
Posted by
Jim Spence
From Townhall.com - Walter E. Williams is my oldest and closest friend. But I didn't know that his autobiography had just been published until a talk show host told me last week. I immediately got a copy of "Up from the Projects," started reading it before dinner and finished reading it before bedtime. It is the kind of book that you hate to put down, even though I already knew how the story would end. The first chapter, about Walter's life growing up in the Philadelphia ghetto, was especially fascinating. It brought back a whole different era in black communities-- an era that is now almost irretrievably lost, to the great disadvantage of today's generation growing up in the same neighborhoods where Walter grew up in Philadelphia or where I grew up in Harlem. Read full column here:

Sowell: Walter Williams Memoir
Malkin: Who Pays for Jobless Benefits?
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Michelle Malkin |
Malkin: Who Pays for Jobless Benefits?
David Corn: Tax Deal a Win for Politics Not Policy
Posted by
Jim Spence
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David Corn |
David Corn: Tax Deal a Win for Politics Not Policy
Martinez Responds to Job Killers
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Susana Martinez |
“Governor-elect Martinez believes passing yet another cap-and tax-regulation will do nothing to create jobs and get New Mexicans back to work. She said during the campaign that these regulations make New Mexico an island in the middle of a sea of states that do not have similar job-killing regulations. Governor-elect Martinez and her team will review all regulations and will make recommendations concerning each in the future.”

Martinez Responds to Job Killers
President Feeling Heat from SORE LOSERS
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News,
U.S. Politics
From the Washington Times - Facing a backlash from Democrats over the tax-cut deal he struck with the GOP, a fiery President Obama lashed out at members of his own party Tuesday, telling them not to let a partisan fight scuttle the chance to keep taxes low for middle-class Americans. Many Democrats have revolted against the deal — which would combine a two-year extension of the Bush-era income-tax cuts and a renewed estate-tax cut with a payroll-tax holiday and an extension of unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless — saying it marks a retreat from Mr. Obama's campaign promise to let the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire. They had pressed for the president to fight down to the wire. Read full story here:

President Feeling Heat from SORE LOSERS
Lou Dobbs to Appear on NewsNM Wednesday
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Lou Dobbs |
Lou Dobbs to Appear on NewsNM Wednesday