Controversial Student Sex Survey
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Saturday, November 5, 2011
New Mexico News
From -A group of parents in New Mexico is upset because a ninth grade biology teacher asked students to fill out an anonymous sex survey. The questions included: "Are you sexually active?" And, "Who is the last person you kissed?" The school district says it planned to use the survey to teach students about how disease spreads. Parents say they should have been notified. A spokesperson for the school district says they are investigating. The teacher who handed out the questionnaire will remain on paid leave until that investigation ends. More News New Mexico
Voting Without A Photo ID Pushed for All 50 States
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
From -A Minnesota congressman has proposed federal legislation that would impose his state's type of voter registration – which leads the nation in voter fraud cases – on the other 49 states, according to critics who have launched online campaigns to make people are aware of the dangers of Rep. Keith Ellison's H.R. 3316 and its companion H.R. 3317. In a commentary promoting his H.R. 3316, which would banish all photo identification requirements, and H.R. 3317, which would allow people to walk into a polling location, register and vote immediately, Ellison said his intent is to curb "voter suppression." "The Same Day Registration Act would require states to provide for same day voter registration for a federal election. The Voter Access Protection Act would make sure election officials cannot require photo identification in order to cast a vote or register to vote," he said. More News New Mexico

Voting Without A Photo ID Pushed for All 50 States