Endowed by Their Creator?
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Wednesday, October 20, 2010
U.S. Politics
From Newsmax - Either President Barack Obama isn't familiar with the words “endowed by their Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence, or he doesn't subscribe to that part of the wording that describes people’s intrinsic rights. ........The Declaration of Independence, however, actually reads, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Read more here:
Stossel: Public Sector Unions Choke Taxpayers
Posted by
Jim Spence
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John Stossel |
From Townhall.com - "I thought unions were great -- until at Chrysler, the union steward started screaming at me. Working at an unhurried pace, I'd exceeded 'production' for that job." That comment, left on my blog by a viewer who watched my Fox Business Network show about unions, matches my experience. No one ordered me to slow down, but union rules and union culture at ABC and CBS slowed the work. Sometimes a camera crew took five minutes just to get out of the car. Now unions conspire with politicians to rip off taxpayers. Read more here:
Stossel: Public Sector Unions Choke Taxpayers
Williams: Leftists, Progressives, Socialists
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Walter Williams |
From Townhall.com - One of the greatest sources of confusion and deception is the difference between leftists, progressives, socialists, communists and fascists. I thought about this as I caught a glimpse of the Oct. 2 "One Nation" march on Washington. The participants proudly marched with banners, signs and placards reading "Socialists," "Ohio U Democratic Socialists," "International Socialists Organization," "Socialist Party USA," "Build A Socialist Alternative" and other signs expressing support for socialism and communism. They had stands where they sold booklets under the titles of "Marxism and the State," "Communist Manifesto," "Four Marxist Classics," "The Road to Socialism" and similar titles. Read more here:
Williams: Leftists, Progressives, Socialists
Add It to the List: Foreclosure Crisis Being Mishandled
Posted by
Jim Spence

Add It to the List: Foreclosure Crisis Being Mishandled
Joe Mysak: Bad Year for Bond Initiatives on Ballots
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Joe Mysak |
From Bloomberg - This may be the worst year for bonds on ballots in two decades. Americans going to the polls on Nov. 2 will be asked to vote on congressional representatives, senators, governors, treasurers, state lawmakers, tax initiatives and $16.8 billion in municipal bonds. The voters aren’t happy. The recession was too long and the recovery too slow. The answer, at least according to the e-mails I got on a column about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s decision to cancel a new railroad tunnel under the Hudson River, is: no, no, no and no. The people who write e-mails, most of them, liked Christie’s response to a proposed tunnel whose cost is creeping higher and higher. New Jerseyans would have to foot the bill. Even non-New Jerseyans say no more taxes. No new borrowing. No tunnel. No more government. Oh, and another thing? It’s all the public labor unions’ fault. Read more here:
Joe Mysak: Bad Year for Bond Initiatives on Ballots
We Forgot to Tell You About This Study
Posted by
Jim Spence
From Bloomberg - Heavy drinking as a teenager may change brain development, affecting areas involved in judgment, social skills and decision-making, according to a study. Researchers determined that teenagers scored worse on a battery of psychological tests if they were diagnosed with substance abuse or dependence, compared with nonabusing teens, according to a study in the journal Alcoholism. The study also found that the adolescents who used marijuana had significantly poorer memory than those who didn’t. Adolescence is a time when the brain develops rapidly and social skills, foresight and abstract reasoning are developed, according to previous research. Those are areas of the mind that are consistently impaired in adult alcoholics, according to background material in today’s study. “The presence of clinically significant binge drinking and marijuana use diverts the course of normal cognitive development,” wrote the authors, led by Robert Thoma, a psychiatrist at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Read more here:

We Forgot to Tell You About This Study
Pimco - Disappointing GDP Running at 1.75% Clip
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Bill Gross |
From Bloomberg - The U.S. economy will disappoint investors by expanding at a rate of 1.75 percent over the next year, said Ramin Toloui at Pacific Investment Management Co., which runs the world’s biggest bond fund. The risks are skewed toward even slower growth, Toloui, an emerging markets portfolio manager, said on a conference call. Growth will fall short of the consensus forecast, which is 2.6 percent for the year ahead, according to Pimco. Investors should add to their emerging-market holdings, Toloui said. Read more here:
Pimco - Disappointing GDP Running at 1.75% Clip
Progressive: It's All About "Tactics"
Posted by
Jim Spence
From Progressive.org - by Matthew Rothschild - I have to admit it. I’m envious of Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers. They’ve done what many progressives have said we should have done long ago: They’ve captured one of the two main political parties in this country. And they’ve done so by being outspoken and aggressive. Now I don’t share their politics at all. Not at all. I detest them. And I understand that the tea party movement was on the receiving ends of millions upon millions of dollars from the Koch brothers and other corporate interests.

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Sarah Palin |
Still, I grudgingly respect their tactics. Where they saw Republicans who were too wishy-washy or too compromised, they went after them and took them down, and ran the most avowedly ideological candidates they could find. They didn’t bother offending the party establishment. They went around the establishment. And now they’re flexing their muscle and all but daring that establishment to stand in their way. As Sarah Palin said this week, "Some in the GOP -- it's their last shot. It's their last chance.” And she warned the establishment that if they don’t surrender, she can take the grassroots with her and start a third party. Read more here:
Progressive: It's All About "Tactics"
Young Woman Found Decapitated in Murder City
Posted by
Jim Spence

Young Woman Found Decapitated in Murder City
Will an End to Using Gov't E-mail for Politics Ever Come?
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Mary Jane Garcia |
From NMPolitics.net - by Heath Haussamen - Five days after I wrote a column reminding state officials and employees that using government e-mail for political purposes isn’t appropriate, it happened again. This time, the press release came from the government account of a legislative staffer. The staffer sent out a political op-ed authored by Sen. Mary Jane Garcia, D-Doña Ana and the majority whip. Read more here:
Will an End to Using Gov't E-mail for Politics Ever Come?
Big Government Gets Bigger
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
From the New Mexico Independent - The state Division of Insurance has secured a $226,000 federal consumer assistance grant to more closely track policyholder complaints and assist consumers who are seeking health insurance coverage. That money comes on the heels of a $1 million federal grant to revamp the Division’s regulation of health insurance rates. The new grant will be used to help consumers file complaints and to appeal insurance company decisions, track and analyze trends in those complaints, and to fund a full-time staff position to assist consumers who are seeking health insurance coverage, according to spokesman Gerald Garner and the Division’s grant application. Read more here:

Big Government Gets Bigger
Martinez - Receives NFIB/New Mexico Endorsement
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Susana Martinez |
Albuquerque – Susana Martinez, Republican gubernatorial nominee and Doña Ana County District Attorney today announced the National Federation of Independent Business New Mexico (NFIB/New Mexico) endorsed her candidacy for governor. In supporting Martinez, the NFIB wrote, “The citizens of New Mexico thrive when small business thrives. The priorities for Susana Martinez mirror the core issues of NFIB members,” said Minda McGonagle, state director of the National Federation of Independent Business New Mexico (NFIB/New Mexico). “She articulates an understanding of the challenges facing small businesses and that the key solutions lie in the marketplace and not at the feet of government.”
Martinez - Receives NFIB/New Mexico Endorsement
Former Governor Garrey Carruthers on NewsNM
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Dr. Garrey Carruthers |
Former New Mexico Governor Dr. Garrey Carruthers will appear as a guest on News New Mexico at 7:30am this morning. Carruthers currently serves as Dean of the College of Business at New Mexico State University . He has one of the most impressive resumes of any guest to appear on our show. He was Special Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture from 1974 to 1975, director of the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute at New Mexico State University, State Chair of the Republican Party Of New Mexico from 1977 to 1979, Assistant Secretary of Interior for Land and Resources from 1981 to 1984, the 27th Governor of New Mexico from 1987 to 1991, and was President and CEO of the Cimarron Health Plan from 1993 to 2003. Carruthers has a Ph.D. in economics from Iowa State University . Always an engaging speaker with a great sense of humor, we will get Carruthers' take on the fast approaching election.
Former Governor Garrey Carruthers on NewsNM
Rob Nikolewski Becoming a Regular on NewsNM
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Rob Nikolewski |
Rob Nikolewski, the managing editor of Capitol Report New Mexico will be appearing on News New Mexico again Wednesday morning at 8:00am. The three-time Emmy Award-winning television anchor and reporter shifted his focus from TV to the Internet in recent years and is now covering public policy, economics, and New Mexico politics directly from his office in the media room at the Roundhouse.

Rob Nikolewski Becoming a Regular on NewsNM
KOB-TV - Denish Hoping for an Obama Visit
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Diane Denish |
KOB-TV - Denish Hoping for an Obama Visit
Wilderness Bill - Another Disastrous Land Grab
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Border Patrolman Scanning Area for Violaters |
"The presence of any Wilderness on the Mexican border is a danger to the security of the United States."- Jim Switzer - National Association of Former Border Patrol Agents
The New Mexico Wilderness Bill, if enacted, will be disastrous for New Mexico and disastrous for America. New Mexico Senators Udal (D), a member of the Progressive Caucus, and Bingaman (D) have sponsored two conservation bills, S.874/H.R.5334 in northern NM and S.1689 in southern New Mexico’s Dona Ana County. Should these bills be enacted into law roughly 739,000 additional acres of land will be placed under the purview of the Department of the Interior (DOI). This legislation imposes Federal Wilderness Designation, the most restrictive of all federal land management designations, on 241,400 acres of lands in Dona Ana County, along with 99,150 acres of National Conservation Area (NCA) designation. Read more here:
Wilderness Bill - Another Disastrous Land Grab
Jim Harbison: The Ethical Dilemma Continues, They Still Don’t Get It
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
Several weeks ago the City Council narrowly passed a “non-binding” resolution proposed by Councilor Connor that the Council members would pledge not to use cell phones, send or receive emails, text, or play any electronic games during the conduct of the City Council meetings. Councilors Pedroza, Sorg and Thomas voted against it. Along with Councilor Silva they claimed it was a poorly written, not well thought out, and unnecessary. As a result the Attorney General’s Office was requested to make a presentation on the Open Meetings Act (Sunshine Law).
Council members Sorg, Pedroza, and Small previously stated that Councilors were not judges or juries so judicial conduct standards should not apply. Randy Van Flect, Legal Council for the Municipal League discussed the quasi-judicial process and potential legal conflicts for the Council and informed them that the Council cannot consider itself solely a Legislative body. It is in fact all three (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial) and therefore must be held to the same higher judicial standards.

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Dolores Connor |
Councilor Connor wanted to insure that the conduct of the Council would not violate the provisions of this law nor give the perceptions that the Council was not in compliance with it. Furthermore she believes that the Council should be focused on conducting the public business and not be distracted by electronic devices or conducting internet research during Council sessions. These concerns were all supported by the AG’s Office.
A Special Work Session this week was convened to allow Mr. Al Lamas, Deputy Attorney General and his team to discuss the impacts of electronic devices under the provisions of the Open Meeting Act . His office provided copies of the Compliance Guide to the members of the Council, City officials and the public. This Compliance Guide represents 25 years of case law. His opinion was that the recent resolution passed by the Council prohibiting emails, texting, and cell phone use by Council members meets the legal test and is appropriate.
He stressed that “rolling quorums” are specifically prohibited and that the Council cannot circulate emails between themselves concerning any issue, agenda item or issue concerning the City. Receipt of emails during Council meeting potentially violates the Open Meeting act unless they are made public during the meeting.
This was supported by Mr. Lamas ‘comments where he stressed that the Council should be involved in a thoughtful listening process. Their job is to interpret and evaluate that information publically presented at the meeting so that they can make the appropriate decisions. If they feel they don’t have sufficient information it is incumbent upon them to table the discussions. Furthermore, the presenters and the public expect that the Council members use common sense and focus on paying attention to them rather than being distracted by doing simultaneous online research.

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Jim Harbison |
Even after all the discussions only Mayor Miyagishima and Councilor Connor acknowledged understanding the law. Councilors Thomas, Sorg, Pedroza, Small and Silva “still don’t get it” and were obviously not listening to the presentation because they continue to claim that they need access to email information from experts and constituents during the meeting and thus potentially violating the law. Perception is reality and using their electronic devices and doing research while in session can certainly reinforce the perception that they are involved in unauthorized activities. This gives the public the opportunity to legally challenge them including in the court of public opinion. Wouldn’t it be better if the Councilors came to the Council meetings prepared, listened carefully and thoughtfully, and either made decisions based on the information presented or tabled the action until the information was available? At least the public would know they were paying attention and performing their duties appropriately.
Jim Harbison: The Ethical Dilemma Continues, They Still Don’t Get It