Mexico: Soldiers Kill 25 in Gun Battle Near Border
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mexico drug war: the new killing fields
Posted by
Michael Swickard

The events which have no name scythe through the valley like invisible reapers. They slice east to west, west to east, a homicidal pendulum. No one sees anything. The pair of human heads left in a coolbox on the corner of the plaza? A mystery. The 18 houses burnt in a single night? An enigma. The doctor and his family who disappeared? A rumour. This much residents do tell you: Juárez valley stretches along the Rio Bravo and used to grow cotton. It roasts by day, shivers by night. Lob a stone over the river and it lands in Texas. Beyond that, conversation tends to dry up. Of the slaughter, of the reason this has become one of the deadliest places on the planet, residents have little to say. At most they refer to "the situation", "the things happening" or, simply, "it". Read more
Mexico drug war: the new killing fields
Environmental "Improvement" Board - Holding a Hearing
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
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EIB Greenhouse Gas Proposal |
If you think the infusion of dumb ideas into public policy in our state have to end eventually........think again. On Tuesday, September 7, 2010 from 12:00 pm – 6:30 pm the Environmental Improvement Board will offer local citizens an opportunity to provide public comment in Las Cruces on the New Energy Economy and New Mexico Environment Department’s Greenhouse Gas proposed rules. If you are wondering about the details of the latest insanity read here: The hearing officer will take comments on both proposals on the same day and will bring a court reporter so that the full board does not have to travel, but can read the transcripts. You can rest assured every whacked out clueless job killing anti-business activist in the area will be on hand to make silly comments that infer these new regulations won't move New Mexico one step closer to California-style bankruptcy. Clear thinking citizens with the time to fight the lunatic ideas might want to plan to attend and let your voice be heard before another nail is driven in our economic coffin.
Environmental "Improvement" Board - Holding a Hearing
Kathryn Lopez - The Great Restoration
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Kathryn Lopez |
Kathryn Lopez - The Great Restoration
More Than A Healthy Stock Market?
Posted by
Jim Spence
NewsNM - Yesterday the Labor Department announced that the nation's unemployment rate jumped to 9.6%. In his national address this morning President Obama tried to deflect mounting criticism of his administration's economic polices. President Obama said,“So this Labor Day, we should recommit ourselves to our time-honored values and to this fundamental truth: to heal our economy, we need more than a healthy stock market; we need bustling Main Streets and a growing, thriving middle class.”
We need MORE than a healthy stock market? This seems to infer that we actually have a healthy stock market. We don't. Is a healthy stock market important? It is critical. It was the healthy stock market that produced the ballooning capital gain tax revenues that flooded the Clinton Administration's treasury department. Those revenues allowed Clinton to take credit for balancing the federal budget. Of course when the stock market retreated dramatically the final year of the Clinton presidency, the resulting revenue trough and return to budget imbalance landed in the lap of his successor. Neither Clinton nor Bush ever reigned in the kind of spending increases that kill stock markets. But during his window of time in the spotlight, Clinton enjoyed a "healthy stock market." Is this simple truth forgotten. It would seem so.
Who knows what the thought processes are inside the heads of those composing these canned dumbing down messages that come out of Washington. A few things seem increasingly clear. With no management experience, no business experience, and even precious little political experience in the White House, it looks like investors are going to have to wait a little longer for Washington to differentiate between the trailer and the engine.

We need MORE than a healthy stock market? This seems to infer that we actually have a healthy stock market. We don't. Is a healthy stock market important? It is critical. It was the healthy stock market that produced the ballooning capital gain tax revenues that flooded the Clinton Administration's treasury department. Those revenues allowed Clinton to take credit for balancing the federal budget. Of course when the stock market retreated dramatically the final year of the Clinton presidency, the resulting revenue trough and return to budget imbalance landed in the lap of his successor. Neither Clinton nor Bush ever reigned in the kind of spending increases that kill stock markets. But during his window of time in the spotlight, Clinton enjoyed a "healthy stock market." Is this simple truth forgotten. It would seem so.
If America wants more jobs and prosperity it will have to be accompanied by a healthy stock market. Unfortunately, with national economic confidence incinerated one has to wonder why would the president make the statement, "We need more than a healthy stock market." Was this chide an intentional slap against people with retirement accounts? These folks are praying for a return to decent returns on their holdings. Was it a scoff at retirees living on their investments? Was it a smack at public and private pension funds everywhere that fund monthly checks to beneficiaries out of their investments? Does Washington realize that with the Federal Reserve making sure its monetary policy allows the federal government to borrow trillions of dollars at bargain basement interest rates, that all citizens with savings including the "middle class" are getting hosed? We think not.

More Than A Healthy Stock Market?
As the Secretary of State Turns
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Mary Herrera |
As the Secretary of State Turns
Forced to be foolishly fuelish
Posted by
Jim Spence
Swickard Columns
Shuckins! At my gas station this week was the dreaded note on the pump: “This gasoline now contains ethanol.” I have changed stations several times this last year to keep from buying E10, gasoline laced with 10 percent ethanol. This move to ethanol laced gasoline is political in nature. I have three major objections to being forced to use E10. First, the BTU (energy) content of E10 is not as high as regular gasoline, so I surrender gas mileage. I already drive carefully and under the speed limit to boost gas mileage so this will not “break the bank” in my life. However, I do not want to spend money foolishly fuelish. Read more here:

Forced to be foolishly fuelish
Richardson: Cannon in "good shape" for next BRAC
Posted by
Sports Staff
New Mexico News

Richardson: Cannon in "good shape" for next BRAC
Dawgs Go To 2-0 Beat Cibola 21-14
Posted by
Jim Spence
LCHS beat Albuquerque Cibola 21-14 at the Field of Dreams last night. The Dawgs got a big game from Xavier Hall who carried the ball 25 times for 167 yards including the winning 72 yeard touchdown run midway through the second quarter. Coupled with a stubborn LCHS defense that shut out the Cougars in the second half, the efforts were good enough for the Bulldawgs to rack up their second win of the season. It looked like a shootout from the start with Cruces taking a 21-14 lead to the half. The Cougars scored on a 90 yard kickoff return early in the second quarter and then another touchdown a few minutes later. But the Cibola offense was stymied by the Bulldawg defense time and time again in the second half. The Cougars were able to make only two first downs after intermission. Other than giving up a huge passing play early in the game, which did not lead to points the Bulldawgs played great defense all night. The good news for the Bulldawgs was they were able to establish Xavier Hall as a second big offensive threat in game two of the young season. This came after quarterback Jeremy Buurma had a big week last Friday night against El Paso Eldorado in the season opener. The win leaves LCHS as the only unbeaten team in the city. Onate fell for the second consecutive week Thursday night at the Field of Dreams and Mayfield lost a controversial heartbreaker in overtime against Montwood in El Paso on Thursday.

Dawgs Go To 2-0 Beat Cibola 21-14
Commentary: Mexico needs our help, not our troops
Posted by
Michael Swickard
International News,
U.S. Politics

Commentary: Mexico needs our help, not our troops
Dems have few options on economy
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Dems have few options on economy
Holloman chimps heading for new lab tests in Texas
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Holloman chimps heading for new lab tests in Texas
Martinez has high hopes for repeal of medical marijuana
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Martinez has high hopes for repeal of medical marijuana