A column by Austin Hill last week summarized President Obama’s philosophical Achilles heel this way: Anytime there is a problem to be solved, this president’s first instinct is always to form a committee, establish a commission, appoint a czar, or put together a new government board. His inclination is simple. In all aspects of governing, Obama feels we must first look to government to protect us, particularly from the horrible functions of free markets.

This week the president provided an ample illustration of Hill’s assertion. Apparently, White House focus group specialists suddenly discovered that high gas prices are really hurting their polling numbers. Accordingly, a new boogie man is required in the endless blame game. The president announced that the newest White House committee will be headed by Guantanamo Bay reformer, Eric Holder. And get this, Holder will be “investigating” the influence of “speculators” in the energy markets.

Of course the fact that every energy-related White House policy (including the attack on Libya) has actually reduced the “supply” of oil and gas is not likely to be a topic explored by Holder's "committee.” And so it is, that the unanimous choice for the “Dumbing Down of America Award” this week, goes to White House efforts to divert America’s attention away from acknowledging how the forces of supply and demand interact in the real world.

Speaking of dumb, we find it curious in a period when both the GOP and the Democrats talk about the “dire need” for fiscal reform….that most elected officials were not in Washington at work on this pressing problem this week. Obama was out in California most of the week raking in tens of millions in 2012 campaign donations. And most Congressional members have taken a couple of weeks off. So we are in dire straits eh?
Each time we read a story involving the funding of something (or proposed funding of something) shouldn’t we be asking ourselves if this idea is something we are willing to BORROW money to pay for? Along these lines one has to wonder what the cost to taxpayers was for commissioning the composing of a new "rap" song for the EPA. Should we actually be borrowing money to compose government-approved rap songs that support radical environmentalist causes?
We Cannot Afford to Stop This |
Most sensible Americans understand the language of spending. We cannot afford a new car this year. We cannot afford a swimming pool for the back yard. We cannot afford to refurnish the house. Or do we? “We cannot afford” is the new catch phrase White House policymakers are using. However, their use of the word "afford" is not associated with spending. In the White House world, the phrase “We cannot afford,” actually precedes NOT increasing the rate at which we confiscate people’s property. How could this be? It is pretty simple really. It is all in the polling. White House Focus Groups have discovered that fomenting anger and re-directing it towards millionaires and billionaires is a pretty easy political sell. And what the heck; with 47% of all Americans who file a federal tax return not actually paying any federal income taxes, the idea of demanding more from those who actually do pay and pay plenty is a polling slam dunk. The math is easy.
Jeremiah Wright |
Just snare a few percentage points from the taxpaying population, and join them with the 47% of the population that puts no tax skin into the governing game (but still gets to vote). It’s political genius because it's an electoral piece of cake! How can you do it? Use some carefully crafted rhetoric. Label nearly one half of America, "the less fortunate.” Then, simply explain to this half how we can’t “afford” to NOT take more property away from the other half of the country. What is that you ask? No, don't be silly. Of course this sort of process will NOT create any jobs. But remember, it is the audacity of hope and change that political tacticians have realized can convince more than half of the people to believe in. What? You say you still can't see why this approach is good for the country? Alright, try this. Google the name of "spiritual mentor" Jeremiah Wright. Then use the video search words, “Goddamn America” or “The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost.” Listen to the sermons. Then you'll understand social justice.........silly.

Thinking Out Loud