Artur Davis |
Campaign Tracker - When Artur Davis stumped for Democrat Larry Kissell in Charlotte in 2006, he was a rising Democratic star. The Alabama congressman was vice chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. An African American with a law degree from Harvard, he was an up-and-comer. In 2008, he was the first congressman outside Illinois to publicly back then-Sen. Barack Obama, who would become a confidant. He went on to second the nomination of his fellow Harvard law graduate at the Democratic convention in Denver. So how did the 44-year-old Davis come to campaign in North Carolina Thursday for Republican Mitt Romney? After losing a 2010 bid for governor of Alabama, Davis moved to suburban Washington to practice law. Last May, he announced he was switching parties. "I made a decision that on every single issue we’re debating in the country right now, what Republicans were saying made more sense to me than what Democrats were saying," he said by phone during a swing through eastern North Carolina. "I saw a Democratic solution that always amounted to 'Let's take more money from people that are successful and grow the footprint of government... That became the two-pronged, all-purpose solution to every economic problem." Read More News New Mexico
Read more here: http://campaigntracker.blogspot.com/2012/08/man-who-seconded-barack-obamas-2008.html#storylink=cpy

Man who seconded Barack Obama's 2008 nomination stumps in NC for Mitt Romney