Texas student's refusal to say Mexican pledge, anthem starts controversy
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Tuesday, November 22, 2011
National News

Super Committee Failure Could Hurt N.M.
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
From capitolreportnewmexico.com -The failure of the so-called Super Committe to agree on deficit reductions isn’t just making news in Washington. “I don’t see any sudden change in spending,” state Sen. John Arthur Smith (D-Deming) told Capitol Report New Mexico in an interview just moments after Democrats and Republicans in Washington announced they were giving up on bi-partisan negotiations. “They’re letting off the accelerator on spending. But the long-term results I think are going to be quite damaging to the state of New Mexico.” By not reaching an agreement on at least $1.2 trillion in deficit cuts, the committee leaves in place automatic reductions to the military that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta described Monday (Nov. 21) as “devastating, automatic, across-the-board cuts that will tear a seam in the nation’s defense.” More News New Mexico

Super Committee Failure Could Hurt N.M.
N.M. Unemployment Recipients Told to Pay Back Money
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From koat.com -Target 7 has learned that unemployed New Mexicans who were receiving unemployment checks for months are now being asked to pay that money back because their former employers contested their claims. When father-of-two Toby Villanueva started receiving unemployment benefits, he never anticipated the nightmare that was to come. "I just continued getting it, then it ran out, then I filed for an extension and kept getting it," Villanueva said. For months, the two New Mexicans received thousands of dollars from the unemployment office until a jaw-dropping letter. The letter said their employers were protesting their claims "I would have found other ways to pay my bills and feed the kids and everything else," Villanueva said. More News New Mexico
N.M. Unemployment Recipients Told to Pay Back Money
Bingaman & Udall Try to Delay Sagebrush Lizard Ruling
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
From newswest9.com -The decision to make the dunes sagebrush lizard an endangered species is supposed to be decided next month but two New Mexico Senators are trying to delay the ruling. The director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has the final say. Senators Tom Udall and Jeff Bingaman recently sent a letter to the director asking him to temporarily halt his decision. The letter applauds the agency for extending the initial public comment period and for holding public hearings. The letter says the best scientific information is vital to the listing process. It also says the director has the authority to delay the decision if there's a dispute over the related scientific data. More News New Mexico

Bingaman & Udall Try to Delay Sagebrush Lizard Ruling
N.M. ERB Proposes 55 as Minimum Retirement Age
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From businessweek.com -New Mexico's retirement program for teachers and college faculty proposes to improve its long-term finances by establishing a minimum retirement age of 55 for educators and limiting cost-of-living increases for retirees. The Educational Retirement Board voted Monday to recommend the proposals to the Legislature, which has to change state law to implement any pension revisions. More News New Mexico

N.M. ERB Proposes 55 as Minimum Retirement Age
Couple Arrested in NM for Allegedly Trying to Bribe Border Patrol
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From therepublic.com -A Texas couple has been jailed on charges they tried to bribe a Border Patrol agent into letting them smuggle a family member and cocaine into the country. The U.S. Attorney's Office says FBI agents arrested 25-year-old Debbie Ayala of San Elizario, Texas, and 27-year-old David Rogelio Leyva of Socorro, Texas. Both were booked into the Dona Ana County Detention Center. Federal prosecutors allege the couple tried to offer $700 to $800 to the agent so they could smuggle Ayala's cousin from Mexico into New Mexico possibly through Deming last January. More News New Mexico

Couple Arrested in NM for Allegedly Trying to Bribe Border Patrol
NM's Permanent Funds Decline over $1B
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From therepublic.com -New Mexico's permanent funds dropped in value by more than $1 billion during the past quarter because of a downturn in global financial markets. The latest report to the State Investment Council shows the Land Grant Permanent Fund had assets valued at $9.5 billion at the end of September, down more than a $1 billion from the previous quarter. More News New Mexico

NM's Permanent Funds Decline over $1B
Study:Wildfires Linked to Illegal Border Crossings
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News
From foxnews.com -People crossing the southeastern Arizona desert caused at least 30 wildfires in a five year period, found the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress. A study by Congress’ investigative arm that shows investigators have linked 30 fires that erupted in a five-year period in Arizona’s border region to people who crossed into the United States illegally — a finding Sen. John McCain says backs up earlier statements he made about undocumented immigrants and wildfires. More News New Mexico

Study:Wildfires Linked to Illegal Border Crossings
Climategate 2.0?
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
From hotair.com -Two years ago, a group calling itself FOIA.org dumped a treasure trove of e-mails from climate-change advocates and researchers that revealed abundant evidence of data manipulation and dishonest attempts to silence and discredit critics. Called “Climategate,” the exposure greatly damaged the standing of the scientists involved and their public statements. Now the same group has celebrated the second anniversary of the Climategate release with another release of 5,000 e-mails, which have only begun to be parsed by interested bloggers. More News New Mexico

Climategate 2.0?
You May Be Financially Responsible For Your Parents
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
News New Mexico
Yesterday on NewsNM we spoke about current laws in 29 states that hold you financially responsible for your parents, these laws are known as filial laws which date back as far as 17th century England. Information on filial responsibility laws can be seen here and a list of each state that participates can be seen here.

You May Be Financially Responsible For Your Parents
Puerto Rico Benefited the Most From $1B Homeowners' Loan Program
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
From usatoday.com -Almost half the homeowners aided by the Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program are in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Connecticut, based on preliminary figures from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. As previously reported, the program closed to applicants on Sept. 30 with more than half of its $1 billion unspent. Leftover funds return to the U.S. Treasury. Not only was much money unspent, but what was spent exceeded targets in some states and was well below them in others. •Pennsylvania, Maryland and Connecticut were initially allotted $179 million, but received $46 million more because they used up their initial funds, HUD spokesman Brian Sullivan says. Puerto Rico fared best. With funds to help 652 homeowners, it got 468 preliminary approvals, or 72%. More News New Mexico
Puerto Rico Benefited the Most From $1B Homeowners' Loan Program
Swickard: Have a Wealthy Thanksgiving
Posted by
Jim Spence
Swickard Columns
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Michael and Conrad |
Thanksgiving is an American notion: a time to be thankful for that we have received. Each year for a brief moment in November we recognize how blessed we truly are and hopefully have a wealthy Thanksgiving.

Sitting down for the Thanksgiving feast are people who bow their heads reverently and give thanks. Others mutter impatiently, “About time.” With the butter from homemade rolls on their lips this second group carps about what has not come their way. Their mantra: “I deserve this that I have and even more.”

With a far-away look he said, “It was the first hot meal me and my buddies had in a long while. As I was sitting there eating hot food I realized that the war was coming to an end and next Thanksgiving I had a good chance of being home. At that moment I was warm and full and happy. I have never been happier.”
We drove up to the store and he retreated back to his quiet nature. He was quite frugal with words to anyone other than those who served with him in combat. And with them they talked in code with one or two words and knowing looks.
Was my father wealthy? Perhaps he was because he was completely satisfied with what he had and did not lust after the possessions of his neighbors. He did not have more than some of his neighbors but he never seemed to notice. Every Thanksgiving was a wealthy time for him.This whole discussion about wealth in our country falls apart when it comes to defining wealth. Other than super rich we have no definition of those Americans who are wealthy as compared to those who are not. Politicians say America’s wealthy are harmful to our country because they have a yacht. Again, the half empty glass thinking of what we do not have versus are we well-fed, warm and safe? Our most dangerous age is now with the government mandate to redistribute the resources of our country for political gain. Well, Swickard, do you not want to be fair? Absolutely, and that is why when one American has something, it is their possession, not something for the government to confiscate. Without property rights we cease to be a free nation. I do not buy into the notion if they did not have their wealth I would be better off. This Thanksgiving I give thanks to God for that which I have. I do not look with envy and entitlement at the possession of other Americans. I hope each of you have a wealthy Thanksgiving.
Swickard: Have a Wealthy Thanksgiving