Al Jazeera Kids Channel Coming to the US
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Wednesday, March 9, 2011
National News,
U.S. Politics
From -Al Jazeera, the controversial Arab news network often criticized for its unfriendly-to-America bent, is trying to figure out a way to get on American cable television. So what idea did it come up with? Use the kids. Yes, Al Jazeera has just announced plans for an English-language network for children — in North America. According to the magazine Fast Company, the project is supposed to be completed by the end of 2012. And while the new channel will feature some original programming, content will also “be a mix of syndicated shows from other sources and original programming, dubbed into English, from the already existing Arabic-language Al Jazeera Children’s Channel.“ More News New Mexico
Retired CIA Officer Traces History of Espionage in NM
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From -When retired KGB agents visit Santa Fe, they pose for a picture next to the Archbishop Lamy statue at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis. "Santa Fe is considered sacred ground by the KGB," said E.B. Held, author of the recently published book, "A Spy's Guide to Santa Fe and Albuquerque." A retired CIA clandestine operations officer, Held has compiled a history of New Mexico espionage that traces some of the most notorious spying events in U.S. history. More News New Mexico

Retired CIA Officer Traces History of Espionage in NM
NM Ranks 7 in the Nation for ID Theft
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News,
From - New Mexico has been ranked No. 7 in the nation for identity theft in 2010. Nationwide, ID thieves topped the annual ranking of 2010 consumer complaints compiled by the Federal Trade Commission for the 11th year in a row. The agency said that it got 250,854 complaints about identity theft last year, or about 19 percent of all complaints filed. There were 1,773 complaints registered from New Mexico, for an average of 86.1 complaints per every 100,000 people. More News New Mexico

NM Ranks 7 in the Nation for ID Theft
Feds Caught 663 Illegals Suspected of Terrorist Ties
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
From - Judicial Watch is set to release later today new documents it has obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request that include data showing U.S. officials apprehended 663 illegal immigrants last year with suspected ties to terrorist groups. Among the highlights from the documents: * U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended 463,382 individuals smuggled across the border, including 8,905 smugglers. (3,027 of the smugglers apprehended were deemed “deportable.”) * U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended 59,017 “Other Than Mexican” illegal aliens through October 7, 2010. * Among the nations represented in apprehension statistics are the four countries currently on the State Department’s list of “State Sponsors of Terrorism,” Cuba (712), Iran (14), Syria (5) and Sudan (5), as well as Somalia (9), Afghanistan (9), Pakistan (37), Saudi Arabia (5) and Yemen (11). More News New Mexico

Feds Caught 663 Illegals Suspected of Terrorist Ties
Miller: Not Willing to Do What it Takes
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Jay Miller |
Inside the Capitol - SANTA FE - The United States never again will be a world leader in education. Our culture, traditions and the American way will preclude it from happening again. It's a bitter pill to swallow but we must admit that our society is unwilling to do what it takes to be first again - or anywhere near it. The major component of our decline began around the middle of the past century when psychologists decided children should have fun and enjoy their childhood. Contrast that with the trip newswoman Diane Sawyer took to China recently. Many of us saw her on the newscast she anchors asking a classroom of Chinese students what they liked least about school. The answer was "the pressure."

Miller: Not Willing to Do What it Takes
Obama Administration Complicit in Juarez Violence
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |

Instead of “discharging the duties of their office” and enforcing gun laws the Obama Administration created an Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) operation named “Fast and Furious” which required federal law enforcement officers to look the other way while assault weapons were being illegally shipped across the border. This wanton disregard of our laws resulted in the death of an American Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent several weeks ago and arguably contributes to the deaths of other Mexican citizens. The Obama administration continues to circumvent their constitutional responsibilities to enforce all our laws and instead selects those that move his agenda while endangering society on both sides of our southern border. He has exceeded the authority of the Executive Branch and unilaterally declared some laws unconstitutional, which is the sole responsibility of the Judicial Branch.

This whole program appears to be part of his anti-gun agenda gone terribly wrong. Is it possible that the violence in Juarez and other Mexican cities is some of the unintended consequences of his plan to crack down on legal weapons business by creating a crisis and then exploiting it for political purposes?

Obama Administration Complicit in Juarez Violence
Amendments Provide 2 Year Reward for Lawlessness
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
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Peter Wirth |

The reality of these amendments (by Senate Democrats) is to send the following message: If you decided to do an end run around people in line who are actually following U.S. immigration laws, and then you successfully sneaked past the Border Patrol checkpoints, when you show up at a New Mexico Department of Motor Vehicle office seeking a license that will give you the appearance of BEING SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT VIOLATED OUR LAWS, your pattern of illegal behavior will be rewarded by the State of New Mexico. This state will sell you for a nominal fee the valuable evidence of legitimacy you need to remain here illegally, vote, and....... the state will also grant you a two-year documentation requirement waiver. This is not "compromise," it is sleight of hand. Some Senate Democrats seem to be doing everything they can to ignore 80% of the citizens who have made their views clear on law-breaking. They should stop creating excuses to reward lawlessness in any way.
Amendments Provide 2 Year Reward for Lawlessness
Punishing Ambition and Rewarding Stagnation
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
In New Mexico the basic governing technique has been to ignore the consequences of incentive structures. If one simply examines the Medicaid programs around the nation, New Mexico stands out as one of the saddest examples of what happens when dependency on government is actually encouraged through mindless punishment and subsidies. Years ago New Mexico established the eligibility for Medicaid at 235% of the federal poverty line. Supposedly the logic of a more liberal definition of "poverty" was that it would enable those well above the actual line to grab more "free" federal dollars. In effect, many New Mexico citizens were actually encouraged by our state elected officials (using matching state and federal taxpayer dollars) to become permanent dependents of the Medicaid system.

Punishing Ambition and Rewarding Stagnation