NM checking residency of immigrant license holders
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Tuesday, July 19, 2011
New Mexico News

House votes for huge deficit-cutting bill
Posted by
Michael Swickard
National News

House votes for huge deficit-cutting bill
Political advisor to Gov Martinez calls resignation letter “pretty ridiculous”
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Political advisor to Gov Martinez calls resignation letter “pretty ridiculous”
One Obama Press Conference=36 Lies and Deceptions
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
From americanthinker.com -Obama held a press conference last Friday, July 15 which turned out to be a purely partisan effort to increase taxes and increase the American debt. His speech and the answers he gave to cherry picked questions from the press was fundamentally dishonest: in all I counted three dozen lies, deceptions and misleading statements. Deception 1. "make sure that the United States does not default on our obligations, and that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved." There is zero risk of a default to the creditors of US debt. More News New Mexico

One Obama Press Conference=36 Lies and Deceptions
Unmanned Tolls on the Southern Border
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News
From elpasotimes.com -The El Paso City Council voted unanimously to spend more than $1.7 million to upgrade the technology used to collect tolls at two international bridges, opening the door for possibly the first unmanned lanes on the southern border. The move will make it possible for four electronic kiosks to be installed as early as December, making them usable by January, said Said Larbi-Cherif, director of international bridges in El Paso. More New New Mexico

Unmanned Tolls on the Southern Border
Roswell School Suspends Students for Sharing Bible Verses
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From charismamag.com -The suit alleges the Roswell Independent School District retaliated against a Christian group called Relentless, punishing and suspending its members for buying and giving fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts with Bible verses to each of their teachers. The students went to great lengths to share the Word of God. The closest Krispy Kreme shop was in Texas. Some members of the group drove almost six hours round trip, stayed overnight, got up at 3 a.m., filled their car's back seat with fresh doughnuts and got back to school on time to deliver the doughnuts. When they handed out the doughnuts, a Scripture verse was included. One student was immediately sent home and two others were forced to spend a Saturday morning sitting alone in the classroom for four hours as a punishment. More News New Mexico

Roswell School Suspends Students for Sharing Bible Verses
Bear Calls on Governor's Residence
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
SANTA FE – Yesterday, Governor Susana Martinez reminded all New Mexicans to be mindful of wildlife that has been displaced by drought conditions and fires across the state. Over the weekend, a bear was videotaped on a security camera at the Governor’s residence walking past trash cans as it searched for food.
Earlier this month, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish issued an alert to residents of the Los Alamos area regarding bears that had wandered into the community after being displaced by the Las Conchas fire. Governor Martinez echoed DGF’s calls to take steps to avoid attracting wildlife that may have entered New Mexico’s communities.
Governor Martinez also urged New Mexicans to refrain from attempting to “rescue” any animals that may appear to be injured or abandoned.
“Chuck and I will certainly be taking steps to safeguard the trash cans and the dogs,” noted the Governor. “One bear nosing through the yard is more than enough to teach us that you can’t be too safe.”

Earlier this month, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish issued an alert to residents of the Los Alamos area regarding bears that had wandered into the community after being displaced by the Las Conchas fire. Governor Martinez echoed DGF’s calls to take steps to avoid attracting wildlife that may have entered New Mexico’s communities.
“In order to ensure our own safety and the safety of New Mexico’s wildlife, it is important that we all avoid encouraging animals displaced by the drought conditions and recent fires from visiting our homes and communities,” said Governor Martinez. “If you live near an area affected by drought or wildfires, take proactive steps to keep animals away from your home by removing or safeguarding items like pet food, bird feeders, and -- as Chuck and I learned this weekend -- trash cans.”
“If you come across a wild animal that appears to be injured or abandoned, it’s best to simply leave it alone and call the proper authorities,” the Governor added. “Handling these animals, even with the best of intentions, decreases their chances for survival.”
This weekend, Governor Martinez experienced firsthand what many New Mexicans have witnessed in the wake of recent wildfires as a bear visited the Governor’s residence early Sunday morning. The bear overturned two trash barrels in search of food. Security video of the early-morning visit can be found below.“Chuck and I will certainly be taking steps to safeguard the trash cans and the dogs,” noted the Governor. “One bear nosing through the yard is more than enough to teach us that you can’t be too safe.”
If you believe that you have come across a wild animal that is injured or could be considered a safety threat, please call the nearest Department of Game and Fish office or your local police or sheriff’s office. Reports can be made at DGF offices in Santa Fe, (505) 476-8000; Albuquerque, (505) 222-4700; Raton, (575) 445-2311; Las Cruces, (575) 532-2100; or Roswell, (575) 624-6135.
Bear Calls on Governor's Residence