April 22, 1970 was a pleasant Southern
New Mexico day on the campus of New Mexico State University. I was a sophomore Journalism
major covering the first Earth Day.
It was a shock to me when an organizer
proclaimed most people on Planet Earth would be dead within ten years (1980) from
Manmade Global Cooling. This would drive the temperature of Earth down.
I asked a question that afternoon
that was not answered then nor has it been addressed in the forty-six years
since even though I keep asking it. I’ll get to that question after I explain
why I became a skeptic.
That afternoon I thought it would be
nice to drop the temperature in New Mexico though it would be a problem for farmers
in Canada. Occasionally, over the next few years there would be stories
predicting Global Cooling but nothing happened.
Ten years later in 1980, the theory
changed dramatically to identify a completely different danger: Manmade Global
Warming. All people on planet Earth would be dead within ten years (1990) because
the planet would become too hot. Shuckins, I thought, first cooling was going
to kill us and now warming. I became skeptical and wrote that it seems a hoax
to give government more power and money.
Some readers roasted me for my
skepticism in advance of the theoretical roasting from Manmade Global Warming. Then
ten years went by without any change.
In 1990, it was twenty years after
the introduction of Manmade Global Cooling and then the change to Manmade Global
Warming. The proponents of the theory now said we would all be dead within ten
years (2000) unless everyone on the planet stopped using fossil fuel. Also, the
word “Catastrophic” was added.
Fast forward to the year 2000 when Catastrophic
Manmade Global Warming was certainly going to kill everyone on the planet within
ten years (2010) per the mainstream media. But our climate didn’t change as had
been predicted for thirty years.
With the Internet becoming so
prevalent there came many false stories claiming vast climate changes
unsupported by scientific data. Rather, political agendas drove the research
where millions of dollars were awarded to universities for finding the desired political
outcome: there is Global Warming.
Example: recently we learned the United
Kingdom gave $11 million to the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Warming
but the organization just published findings of Climate Change without doing
any research. This fraud and others have been discovered but the mainstream
media doesn’t care.
This is now in the category of a
religion where you must believe in the political advocacy regardless of the
real data. This year we’re told Catastrophic Manmade Global Climate Change is more
dangerous than nuclear global war. What utter crap.
Since this is political there’s a huge
push to silence skeptics. Valerie Richardson in The Washington Times April 14, 2016 wrote, “Bill Nye, ‘the science
guy’ says in a video interview released Thursday that he is open to the idea of
jailing those who deviate from the climate change consensus.”
Regardless, the question I have
asked over and over during the last forty years has not been answered. If
humans can change the climate of Earth, what’s the best temperature? Before we change
Earth’s temperature we must consider what is the best for all humans?
How do we decide this issue? We have
the push to lower the temperature via carbon trapping but do we want the
temperature of Planet Earth to go down and have less carbon available for plant
In 1970, at the first Earth Day, I
was introduced to the theory of Global Cooling. Forty-six years later I still call
this a hoax designed to give power to governments. I am still upset that no one
will address the best temperature on Earth question.
If telling the truth about this
political hoax is a jailing offense in our country, I will serve my time in a
country without a Constitutional First Amendment.