The position page on energy is much more brief than the Denish position. Instead of spending the bulk of her space addressing the state's investment in "green" jobs, Martinez has a common theme running through all of her economic ideas. She offers a recurring theme of competitiveness."
Martinez gets more specific with her ideas concerning what she wants to do regarding existing state energy policies. She suggests her idea to eliminate the state's "pit rule," a Richardson/Denish administration policy that places a $250,000 per well cost burden on our state's energy producers, will lead to the adding of revenue to the New Mexico Severance Tax Fund, simply by eliminating penalties on energy exploration and production. Also Martinez claims her opposition to a regional version of a Cap and Trade agreement, a proposal which was supported by Governor Richardson (and presumably Diane Denish) is based on her opposition to the inherent competitive disadvantages this plan will create for New Mexico taxpayers.
In the final analysis the Martinez message on energy is one of broad philosophy. News New Mexico will attempt to draw out Susana Martinez for clarity and try to determine her views on the all important question of nuclear power, since the state is already relying on Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona for current (no pun intended) electricty needs. NNM will also explore her views on government using taxpayer funds to subsidize other not currently viable alternative energy sources.
The Martinez approach to energy policy is pragmatic and competitive. And the Martinez philosophy of competiveness is "comprehensive."
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