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China Passes Japan - U.S. Next
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Obama Knocks Special Interests
Obama Knocks Special Interests
Aggie Roundball Practicing for Canada Trip
Aggie Roundball Practicing for Canada Trip
California - The Definition of Insanity
California - The Definition of Insanity
Tiptoeing Around Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

Tiptoeing Around Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
Denish on High-Tech and Renewable Energy Jobs
Denish on High-Tech and Renewable Energy Jobs
The coming fat regulations possibly fueling a real revolution

Americans have a love/hate relationship with every aspect of fat, from fat cats on. They hate fat and love donuts. I am not casting any stones from my fat glass house. However, some have said that because of the potential extra health care cost, if you are fat, government must save you from you and also save us from you. Government officials say they have a mandate to do so because of health care reforms that put their noses right over our bathroom scales and into our refrigerators. Example: in the German state of Saxony, according to Reuters, a member of parliament said it is unfair and unsustainable for the German taxpayers to carry the cost of treating obesity-related illnesses in their public health system. That is an interesting statement that seems to say that if you eat that Twinkie we will not buy your Insulin. How far are we willing to take this approach? Read more
The coming fat regulations possibly fueling a real revolution
Denish - Use State Tax Revenue to Fund Green Jobs
Denish - Use State Tax Revenue to Fund Green Jobs
House ethics panel charges Rangel on 13 counts

House ethics panel charges Rangel on 13 counts
Gingrich: Obama Repeating Mistakes From the Great Depression

Gingrich: Obama Repeating Mistakes From the Great Depression
Denish Defends Use of Jet
Denish Defends Use of Jet
Michelle Malkin - Let the Chips Fall?
Michelle Malkin - Let the Chips Fall?
Robert Redford says - It's the Opportunity, Stupid!

Robert Redford says - It's the Opportunity, Stupid!
More Murders in Juarez
More Murders in Juarez
El Paso Hacking Services Raising Taxes
From the El Paso Times - EL PASO -- Tax rates for El Paso residents will probably rise -- or services will be cut -- if police do not agree to more than $1 million in concessions. The police union will tally votes on whether to reopen its contract with the city this afternoon. After days of hearings and $3.5 million in cuts, the city's operating budget is still $1 million higher than it was last year. City Manager Joyce Wilson on Thursday said the city must cut services -- or get concessions from police -- if it is to find the savings. Read more here:
El Paso Hacking Services Raising Taxes
President Tapes "View" Sends Tape to Boy Scouts
President Tapes "View" Sends Tape to Boy Scouts
Officials: Lost signal caused Predator to veer off runway

Officials: Lost signal caused Predator to veer off runway
The End of Wishful Thinking

The End of Wishful Thinking
N.M. Supreme Court Denies Insurance Company Request on Rate Increase

N.M. Supreme Court Denies Insurance Company Request on Rate Increase
Hey, Young Voters!

Hey, Young Voters!
Karen Perez a Guest On NewsNM
Denish and Martinez Hesitant About Casino

Denish and Martinez Hesitant About Casino
New Mexico Notes
Susana Martinez, GOP nominee for governor, said Wednesday July 28th that she will definitely sell New Mexico’s state jet. “The jet will be sold,” Martinez said at a press conference. “No one in state government is above the law. It’s this attitude of being above the law that we need to get rid of in state government.” Martinez seemed to be responding to a report by KRQE television in Albuquerque that her opponent Diane Denish had run up more than $367,000 in costs to the state using the aircraft.
On News New Mexico Tuesday morning Representative Mary Helen Garcia of Dona Ana County called for a "change in the speaker position." It is another sign of the growing rift between speaker Ben Lujan of Santa Fe and other members of his party. Garcia indicated other elected officials in state government were also interested in re-tooling the speaker position which is considered by many observers to be the most powerful position in the state.
New Mexico Notes
Susana Martinez Announces Anti-Corruption Plan
From the New Mexico Independent - Public officials convicted of corruption would lose their pensions and a new State Police unit would crack down on crooked New Mexico politicians under a plan announced today by Susana Martinez, the Republican candidate for governor of New Mexico. The drumbeat of guilty pleas, new criminal investigations and allegations of still more questionable behavior by New Mexico public officials since 2005 has thrust public corruption and how to deal with it into the bright glare of the 2010 governor’s race. Read more here:
Susana Martinez Announces Anti-Corruption Plan
Torres - LCPS Was "Disappointed" by City Council

Torres - LCPS Was "Disappointed" by City Council
Thomas Sowell - How Smart Are We?
Thomas Sowell - How Smart Are We?
Albuquerque to Host 500 International Diplomacy Event
All keynote addresses and education sessions will be held at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque, 330 Tijeras Avenue, NW
Albuquerque to Host 500 International Diplomacy Event
Arizona's Police Check of Immigrant Status on Hold
U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton in Phoenix held today that the state can’t mandate that police make a “reasonable attempt” to determine whether a person is legally in the U.S. and then detain him if there is “suspicion” that he is not. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said she will appeal the ruling. Read more:
Arizona's Police Check of Immigrant Status on Hold
U.S. Congress Sends Obama War Bill
U.S. Congress Sends Obama War Bill
Jonah Goldberg - The New Journalism
Jonah Goldberg - The New Journalism
Blago Trial - In Hands of Jury
The judge wrote this novel, Osborne said outside downtown Chicago's federal courthouse. What judge? Judge James Zagel. You know, the one presiding over Blagojevich's trial, she said. As it turns out, U.S. District Court Judge Zagel dreams of robbing the Federal Reserve Bank and he doesn't even work on Wall Street. Read more:
Blago Trial - In Hands of Jury
Walter Williams - Racism or Stupidity
Walter Williams - Racism or Stupidity
Holder Says U.S. Probing Leaks of Afghan Documents
WikiLeaks published more than 91,000 secret military reports from Afghanistan which cover the period from about 2004 up to a change in war strategy initiated by President Barack Obama last year. The U.S. and Pakistan have dismissed portions of the documents that indicate the American military suspects Pakistan’s main intelligence agency of secretly aiding the Taliban and other Islamic extremists battling the U.S. in Afghanistan. Read more:
Holder Says U.S. Probing Leaks of Afghan Documents
Yachting Anyone? - (In Rhode Island)
Senator John F. Kerry announced yesterday that he will voluntarily pay $500,000 to Massachusetts tax collectors on his luxury yacht, a pledge made hours after state officials had begun inquiring into whether he had attempted to evade the payment by docking the boat in Rhode Island. The state Department of Revenue had just started looking into Kerry’s use of the $7 million sloop and into reports that it had been spotted repeatedly in Massachusetts since it was registered in March. Officials could have subpoenaed the ship’s log to see where the yacht had been, according to a Department of Revenue official who declined to be identified by name because tax cases by law are confidential. Read more:
Yachting Anyone? - (In Rhode Island)
Rangel Seeks to Avert Hearing in Ethics Case
Rangel Seeks to Avert Hearing in Ethics Case
Poll Shows Barela on the Lead
Poll Shows Barela on the Lead
Rep. Mary Helen Garcia to Appear on NewsNM
Rep. Mary Helen Garcia to Appear on NewsNM
Michelle Rhee - Making an Impact

Michelle Rhee - Making an Impact
Obama Children Don't Attend Public Schools in D.C.
Continuing a tradition among Washington's power elite, President-elect Barack Obama and his wife have decided to send their kids to Sidwell Friends School. Michelle Obama confirmed yesterday that Malia and Sasha, the incoming first daughters, will enroll at the pricey private school when the family moves into the White House in January. Although Mrs. Obama has said that public schools were under consideration and consulted with D.C. school officials, the decision narrowed this week after she and the girls visited Sidwell and the private Georgetown Day School. Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, visited classes and met with students while their mother talked with administration officials and parents. Mrs. Obama also visited both schools last week when she came to Washington with her husband to tour the White House and meet with President and Mrs. Bush. Read more here:
Obama Children Don't Attend Public Schools in D.C.
Anthony Casino Proposal Returns
Anthony Casino Proposal Returns
Martinez Candidacy Drawing National Attention
Martinez Candidacy Drawing National Attention
Speaker Lujan Vulnerable?

Speaker Lujan Vulnerable?
Obama Defines Dysfunction With One Appointment

Obama Defines Dysfunction With One Appointment