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City Hall Building - Las Cruces |
· The Mayor presented Roberto Estrada the Mayor’s Community Service Award for his efforts with the Whole Enchilada festival.
· Both Mayor Miyagishima and the Mayor of Laredo, Mexico exchanged gifts in honor of our sister city agreements.
· Tuesday, August 3, 2010 was proclaimed National Night Out for Las Cruces.
· Andy Hume, MPO announced that Las Cruces has been selected for a grant from NMDOT for the Outfall Channel Trail. This will create a 6-mile multi-modal path from I-25 to the Rio Grande River. The grant will require the City to provide $252,000 in matching funds. This was #4 on the City’s unfunded project list and it now must be a funded project in the Budget. City staff will prepare a resolution to clearly identify where the matching money will come from.
· Andy Hume, MPO provided a “Bicycle Friendly Task Force” update. They are adding more than 3 miles of additional bicycle lanes which now total in excess of 40 miles. The City will reduce 4-lane traffic to 2 lanes with a center turn lane and 2 bicycle lanes on the following roads:
o Solano (Missouri to University)
o 3 Crosses Rd (Spitz to Dona Ana Rd)
o They are also working out the details to make similar changes to Spruce (Triviz to Calle Sosa)
o The will add bicycle lanes to Motel Blvd (Amador to Picacho)
o Councilor Silva wants Espina restriped as soon as possible to add similar bike lanes
· The Council met in closed session on August 2, 2010 to discuss pending litigation
Public Participation:
· Elmo Baca, Downtown Design Committee announced that the Chinese Elder tree adjacent to White’s Music Box must be removed as part of the Main Street Redevelopment. He said when the project is finished there will be 57 new trees in the development.
· Russ Warner complimented Dr. Sutter for his performance & professionalism as Director of Finance for the City and that the City’s loss will be El Paso’s gain.
· The Mayor announced that the work session scheduled for next Monday will be to honor of Dr Sutter
Resolutions and/or Ordinances for Consent Agenda
Items #2 & 4 were removed from the consent agenda and all others were approved by a vote of 7/0
Resolutions and Ordinances for discussions
1. Items #2 (Grant for $6,800 for Microfilming City Documents) & #4 (Police Department Victims Assistance grant for $30,450) were discussed for administrative clarification only and were passed by the council by a vote of 7/0
2. Item #10 to Authorize Condemnation of Moongate Water Company was discussed for more than 2 hours. It was passed by the Council by a vote of 6/0 (Councilor Silva recused himself). Seventeen people spoke and the main issues presented were:
o Those who live outside the City limits (Talaveras, Organ, Baylor Canyon and other ETZ areas) will not have any official representation (they can’t vote in City elections).
o Everyone who is serviced by Moongate Water is satisfied with the water quality and service. They expressed a concern about EPA findings that Las Cruces Water was in the 10 worst city categories.
o They were concerned about the water rate increases as a result of City acquisition. Dr Garcia tried, unconvincingly, to explain their rates would be lower.
o Councilor Sorg gave the residents his assurance that the level of service, including fire hydrants, would be the same as in the City.
o Others expressed extreme concern about the City using Eminent Domain to eliminate a competitive private business.
o Others stated they lived in the County by choice and did not trust City officials, did not want City services and feared it was only a ploy to annex and tax them.
o The Council insisted that their efforts to pursue eminent domain were solely to protect public safety and the environment (Jornada Bolsan) which they claim was being exploited and depleted by Moongate Water and its expansion plans. Their actions are an effort to reduce the costs of litigation as a result of the numerous lawsuits filed by Moongate. Eminent Domain action is only the beginning of the process to force Moongate into meaningful discussions with the City. Mayor Miyagishima commented that” the City cannot allow them (Moongate) to compete with us on the East Mesa”.
o It was pointed out that this action by the City would be in contradiction to their draft Vision 2040 plan which states the City will not provide any public utilities (sewer, water, gas, etc) to any property outside the limits of the City
3. Item # 11 authorized the City to apply for a $1 million HUD grant for low income housing. It will require the City to allocate $500,000 to the Land Bank. Passed by a vote of 7/0.
4. Item #12 concerned the City acquisition of properties at 1734 Seldon Avenue for low income housing renovation and renovation of a historical site at 342 N. Tornello which will also be sold as low income housing.. Passed 7/0.
5. Item #13 concerned extending the compliance date of the 2000 Lighting Ordinance from August 7, 2010 to August 7, 2012. Councilor Thomas felt 10 years was more than adequate for compliance with this ordinance.
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