David Corn |
Last time we chatted (see here and here), I noted that Democrats and progressives were becoming rather impatient with President Obama, fearing he was leading his party to a historic defeat in November that would result in the Republicans probably gaining control of the House and possibly even the Senate. Obama seemed to have been piddling about regarding the No. 1 issue: the economy. And a whiff of panic was in the air. Scratch all that. Everything is fine now. Dems are doing just great. Obama's on a roll. Okay, I'm being a bit facetious. But maybe the gloom -- or that high level of gloom -- was premature.

Part of that panic was caused by a Gallup poll showing the GOP with a 10-point lead over the Democrats. This made it seem that 2010 was going to be 2012 -- as in the disaster movie -- for the D's. But as Bruce Drake points out, a Gallup survey that came out this week had the Democrats and Republicans tied. Big difference. Meanwhile, Obama on Wednesday delivered a rock-'em/sock-'em speech outside Cleveland that demonstrated he can still come across as a decisive fighter.

David Corn - To Democrats......Don't Panic
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