Denish Backs Federal Cap and Trade

Diane Denish
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Diane Denish supports the so-called Cap and Trade legislation proposed by her fellow party members at the national level. However, she opposes similar legislation proposed at the state level. Her reasoning is that if only New Mexico enacts energy industry restrictions that kill jobs, we will weaken the state in terms of its competitive position. She does not address what happens to energy producing states if the ideas are passed at the national level or what happens to the U.S. competitive position at the international level. Her ideas on the subject of Cap and Trade are posted on her website, which can be accessed by clicking here:



Anonymous said...

How can this candidate be for jobs growth AND back Cap & Trade? Everyone in the nation recognizes that Cap & Trade would cost jobs and cause energy prices to artificially skyrocket. I hope the voters in New Mexico are aware of Denish's position on this very important issue. No wonder she's so far behind in the polls. Maybe after she gets shellacked in the election she'll wake up and smell the coffee.

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