EDITORIAL: Iran talks tough, Obama just talks

Editorial by the Washington Times - When it comes to war fighting, the United States is second-rate and always has been, according to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "The United States has never entered a serious war, and has never been victorious," Iran's president said on Tuesday. Threatened strikes against Iran's outlaw nuclear program do not impress him, and if President Obama's speech Thursday at the United Nations is any indication, the mullahs have nothing to worry about. Mr. Ahmadinejad's comments came during a charmless offensive prior to his own remarks before the U.N. General Assembly. In a series of interviews and press gatherings, he said America had never experienced "real" war, "not in Vietnam, nor in Afghanistan, nor even World War II." While this seems nonsensical - especially considering that the Second World War was the most devastating war in human history and as "real" as it gets - Mr. Ahmadinejad's point may have been that these wars were waged almost completely abroad and didn't rage across the American homeland. Read more


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