Larry Kudlow |
Under pressure from a barrage of bad midterm-election polls, President Obama has gone on the campaign trail to blame Pres. George W. Bush for all our economic problems and to bash House Republican leader John Boehner as nothing more than a Bush retread. In Friday's dreary news conference, Obama acknowledged that economic progress is "painfully slow" and that voters may blame him for the economy. Yet he nonetheless continued to finger Bush "for policies that cut taxes, especially for millionaires and billionaires, cut regulations for corporations and for special interests, and left everyone else pretty much fending for themselves." "Millionaires and billionaires" has become Obama's favorite phrase as he calls for tax hikes on the wealthy and renews his attacks on Bush. In Cleveland last week, Obama actually blamed the Bush tax cuts for the financial meltdown and severe recession. Now that's a reach. A big reach. While Bush made plenty of economic mistakes, his 2003 reductions of marginal tax rates led to more than 8 million new jobs in the next four and a half years. Under Bush, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.6 percent. Read more

Kudlow - Blame Boehner and Bush
Does this president take ownership or responsibility for anything? For the last two years all we've seen from this guy is spending and tax increases and he wonders why there's no job growth? Duh...
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