Paulson: What the Landslide Means for America

From - by Terry Paulson P. J. O’Rourke said it best, “This is not just about an election - It's going to be a RESTRAINING ORDER!” Just what does the Republican landslide mean to America, to Washington politics, and to you? Elections have consequences. Voters make choices. But a campaign is like dating—it’s the sales phase of the relationship. Once an election is over, citizens are watching to see how candidates live up to the promises they’ve made. Will the “love” and “trust” be earned and re-earned month after month? Read here:



Anonymous said...

It's not stopping the environmentalists in New Mexico. They still don't get it. They're the Ben Roethlisberger's of Obama's cap and tax agenda. Hey guys, "NO" means "NO!"

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