Swickard column: Negating the negative advertising

Commentary by Michael Swickard - We just finished what seemed to most people to be a forever campaign of hard-hitting, ugly and downright nasty negative advertising. It started with, “How can anyone trust someone who would return a library book in third grade three days late? And, the good people of New Mexico deserve a better representative than someone who would spell chile with an i in seventh grade.” Quickly it moved to, “No one can possibly vote for a candidate who does unspeakable things to small animals in the dead of night.” No lie proved to be too small or liar too big. Only those running unopposed and a few notable exceptions restrained themselves. So we, the public, suffered day after day, week after week. It was relentless. The campaign advertising was like getting the very same tooth filled every day for an entire year. It was tedious at best, mind boggling at worse. Everyone I know was put off by negative advertising this last election cycle. Yet, like the weather, people complain a lot but do nothing about it. What is there to do? For the weather I advise moving to my area because many people cannot identify the several types of snow shovels as anyone in the great north can. As to negative advertising, perhaps there is something to do. I will propose how to stomp it out. Read more


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