Martinez picks Florida reformer to be education secretary

From NM - by Heath Haussamen - Gov.-elect Susana Martinez has nominated a woman who implemented education reforms in Florida to be New Mexico’s next public education secretary. From the press release: Hanna Skandera “served as the deputy commissioner of education under (Florida) Governor Jeb Bush, where she promoted and implemented middle and high school reforms that instituted greater accountability, incentives for high performance and the end of social promotion. As a result of the education reforms put in place in Florida, reading scores improved dramatically across ethnic groups, with Hispanic students outperforming all students in 31 other states,” the release states. Skandera has also served as a senior policy advisor for the U.S. Department of Education and undersecretary for education for the State of California. Read more


Anonymous said...

Well there go things. It was the Bush family that gave us the failed and terrible "No Child Left Behind", the worst education program ever to come unconstitutionally out of DC.

So now NM with all its problems is going back to the same trough for a second drink. The Kool-aid must be good.

Anonymous said...

The only kool-aid being consumed at the education trough are all the liberals, like the author of the previous comment, who would rather have the students feel better about their self-image than force them to learn and compete in the world. The Bush program at least forced teachers to teach or find employment elsewhere. Unions aren't very keen on public education policies that hold teachers accountable and measures their performance. The implementation of a voucher system would force teachers to compete. This was also a Bush initiative that the teacher unions also rejected. Imagine that...competition in the public school system. Instead the left wants to throw more money at the problem. Who's drinking the kool-aid? As for constitutionality, seems the Obama administration has spent a great deal of time jamming "unconstitutional" legislation down our throats contrary to what the people want. It would be interesting to hear Dr. Swickard weigh in on whether or not the Bush program has improved test scores or things have become worse. How about it, Michael? Lets discuss the facts instead relying on the Bush hating blather of left-wing loons. We're all ears.

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