Four Myths about the Filibuster
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Thursday, January 6, 2011
U.S. Politics
From -There are four myths about the filibuster that you will hear over and over again. These myths are needed to justify any attempt to change the Senate’s rules with a simple majority vote. This is a power grab, pure and simple. The fact of the matter is that the explicit words of the Constitution, the Senate’s written rules, and the history of the Senate show that the filibuster was created for good reason. Extended debate and unlimited amendment is part of the fabric of the institution. Myth #1: The filibuster is unconstitutional. Myth #2: The filibuster was created by accident. Myth #3: The Senate is not a continuing body. Myth #4: The Senate can change rules only on the first day of the new session by a simple majority vote More here
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