Judge Vinson: Obamacare is UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Judge Roger Vinson
Washington Times - A federal judge in Florida ruled the new health care law unconstitutional on Monday in the broadest rejection yet of Democrats’ chief success over the last two years. District Judge Roger Vinson‘s ruling is the second to find that Congress went beyond its authority in requiring Americans to buy health insurance, but he went further by ruling that makes the entire law unconstitutional.
Judge Vinson said President Obama can continue to enforce the law while the case winds its way through the courts toward an eventual Supreme Court showdown, but said in his ruling that if the individual mandate is unconstitutional, the entire law must fall. “I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the act with the individual mandate,” Judge Vinson wrote in his 78-page ruling, adding that while Congress can do some things to address health care, “the principal dispute has been about how Congress chose to exercise that power here. Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void.” Read full story here:



Anonymous said...

"...down goes Frazier..." Obamacare is on the ropes. Here's the irony of the likely outcome; when the Supreme Court upholds Vinson's ruling, the economy is sure to improve. Once this job killing legislation is terminated, unemployment will likely begin to ease. When unemployment eases...Obama will be credited with reducing unemployment. Now, that's what I call a "win-win" outcome. This is the equivalent of hitting yourself in the head with a hammer and realizing how good it feels when you stop.

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