NM Legislature to Cost $139,000 a Day
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Thursday, January 20, 2011
New Mexico News
From bloomberg.com -New Mexico taxpayers are shelling out nearly $139,600 a day for the Legislature's 60-day session. A bill providing about $8.4 million for legislative session expenses unanimously passed the House on Wednesday and was sent to the Senate. The measure also allocates about $16 million for the Legislature's year-round operations in the next budget year and one-time costs such as demographic and legal consultants on redistricting. The Legislature expects to meet in a special session in the fall to draw new boundaries for legislative, congressional and other districts using new population figures from the 2010 census. The budget for the legislative session is up less than 1 percent from what was appropriated two years ago for the last 60-day session, but it's almost 21 percent more than actual session expenditures in 2009. More here
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