NM Supreme Court Backs EIB
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New Mexico News
New York Times - The New Mexico Supreme Court’s rebuke to Susana Martinez, the state’s new governor was blunt. “No one is above the law,” the state’s chief justice, Charles W. Daniels said Wednesday morning as he announced the high court’s decision to reinstate two environmental regulations that the governor had unilaterally blocked upon taking office earlier this month. Gov. Susana Martinez. In a unanimous decision, the court ordered that the rules — one requiring annual 3 percent cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and another aimed at controlling waste discharges from the state’s dairies — must be published in the state’s register, which will make them effective. Governor Martinez had forbidden the register from publishing the rules. Read full story here:
Hopefully there's more than one way to skin a group of environmentalist scumbags. These rules were purposely imposed, without the consent of the people, at the end of "pay for play" Richardson's term. The rules kill jobs and attempt to address bogus allegations of climate change, which have never been scientifically proven. Allegations of climate change are commensurate with the notion that the earth is flat. What can the PEOPLE do to undo the treachery of the former EIB?
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