Global Warming Explained
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Sunday, February 20, 2011
From Las Vegas Review Journal -At the Museum of Natural History in New Mexico, a display called "A Panorama of Time" explains the climate change of the Southwest thusly: 20,000 years ago: New Mexico had cooler summers and more winter snowfall. Resembled modern Wyoming. 10,000 years ago: The climate became warmer and drier. 5,000 years ago: Warming and drying of the New Mexico climate reached its peak. The desert species entered New Mexico for the first time. Today: New Mexico continues to dry out. Climate is only one of the many factors influencing these changes. How about that. No cars, no industrialization, no man. How in the world could Earth's climate change without greedy Republicans around to make it happen. Yes, I'm askin' you man-caused global-warming believers. The Columbian Mammoth lived near Albuquerque 10,000 years ago. The climate turned on him. No cars, no industrialization. Al Gore can't explain it. Can you, and still keep a straight face about the myth of man-caused global warming? More News New Mexico
Climate change/Global warming is a con. The con is designed to give governments the moral and political capital to increase taxes under the guise that they're plan is to use the funds to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gasses caused by man.
The whole scam is all about the money.
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