Increasing Transparency and Accessibility

Heath Haussamen
NMPolitics - by Heath Haussamen - When people ask what motivates me to publish this site, I point to instances like the exchange I had with two senators while I was in Santa Fe last week. Senators passed a rule that gives them the authority to quiz someone who wants to photograph or film a public committee meeting and then decide whether to allow them to do it. The rule – and the enforcement of it, as illustrated by the questions asked of me last week – is simply not constitutional. I detest attempts, intentional or otherwise, to shut the public out of the public’s business. So I devote a great deal of time to promoting government transparency and accessibility. Last week, that included calling senators out for their attempt to decrease accessibility. It also included publicly challenging the governor to webcast meetings of the State Investment Council, and it was rewarding to have her respond by announcing that she would do just that. Read rest of column here: News New Mexico


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