Washington-based Firm to Redesign NM Medicaid
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Friday, May 13, 2011
New Mexico News
Santa Fe New Mexican - Now we know who will help New Mexico redesign Medicaid, the government insurance program that one in four New Mexicans relies on for health care. Gov. Susana Martinez's administration announced late Wednesday the hiring of Washington-based Alicia Smith & Associates to help the Human Services Department reshape what has become an increasingly costly program. What isn't known is the scope of the redesign and how it will affect the more than half a million New Mexicans who receive Medicaid, about 336,000 of whom are children. Does it mean cutting services? Or tightening eligibility rules? Will it mean Medicaid recipients have to eat better and exercise more? Or that doctors and other medical providers will be paid less? And who will have to sign off on the changes if there are any — the federal government, which pays most of New Mexico's Medicaid tab? Read full story here: News New Mexico
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