Geithner Echoes the Sentiments of Karl Marx

Karl Marx
CNS News - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told the House Small Business Committee on Wednesday that the Obama administration believes taxes on small business must increase so the administration does not have to “shrink the overall size of government programs. Read full story here: News New Mexico


Anonymous said...

Brilliant suggestion from a treasury secretary who is opposed to paying his own taxes but not shy about imposing more taxes on business at a time when most people are nervous about joining the ranks of those who have lost their jobs since the day Obama and Geithner darkened the doorway to their respective offices. I gather that once a tax hike drove another few million out of those jobs they would ask for another tax increase to make up for the revenues lost from those lost jobs? Does anyone notice a pattern here? So Geithner is part of the nation's brain trust? Are we really suppose to endure another four years of this kind of economic policy? Is this sustainable?

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