Rio Grande water restored to Albuquerque customers

Home-Schooled Student Says She Can’t Get Lottery Scholarship

Home-Schooled Student Says She Can’t Get Lottery Scholarship
Albuquerque man loses cash

Albuquerque man loses cash
Vote looms for a debt-limit deal

Vote looms for a debt-limit deal
Bloomberg News takes a look at Spaceport; Richardson says it’s his “legacy”

Bloomberg News takes a look at Spaceport; Richardson says it’s his “legacy”
State hitches extra cost to towing bills

State hitches extra cost to towing bills
While Congress Negotiates, Obama Takes Some Time Off to Raise Costs and Kill Automobile Manufacturing Jobs
During the two-year U.S. borrowing binge, normally "conservation oriented" radical environmentalists have cheered the accumulation of trillions in debt. They have cheered the way the new Obama-led EPA has set about the task of killing the coal industry and driving up the cost of electricity. And along with these job-killing efforts they also cheer the increasing prospects for more rolling blackouts. Blackouts kill jobs too.

While Congress Negotiates, Obama Takes Some Time Off to Raise Costs and Kill Automobile Manufacturing Jobs
The Week in Review

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Jan Goodwin |

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The Tea Party AKA the "Boogie Man" |

The Week in Review
More Wolf Protection Demanded
More Wolf Protection Demanded
Will St. Vincent Nurses Go on Strike?
Will St. Vincent Nurses Go on Strike?
Harbison: What is Your Mayor Doing?
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Jim Harbison |
These mayors get together each year to discuss issues and build consensus to formulate national policy initiatives. They are a powerful group that lobbies, individually and collectively, for more money for their cities. Money that by the way is collected from the tax payers. The resolutions they pass send strong messages to the U.S. Congress about the type of legislation they want to be passed and the social programs that should be retained or created.

They passed a resolution to implement the Dream Act expeditiously and adopt comprehensive immigration reform and asked for $1,825 billion next year for affordable housing. Another resolution assumes we are all advocates of the electric vehicle and willing to contribute significant taxpayer funding for research and development to get 1-million electric vehicles on the highways by 2015. They also requested $556 billion for high speed rail.
There were a host of climate change and environmental resolutions that each mayor adopted on your behalf including funding Climate Showcase Communities at $20 million per year.
Did your mayor seek your opinion when they voted to reaffirm the right of state and local governments to exercise liens or assess special taxes or other property obligations for energy efficiency improvements? I didn’t think so. And if the costs of goods and services weren’t high enough they proposed creating an Affirmative Sustainable Procurement Program where all products purchased will need a third party validated climate neutral certificate guaranteeing that there are no hidden carbon liabilities And lastly, I know we must be thrilled to know that our mayors recognized the vital work of United Nations Association of the United States of America in cities across America and encouraged us to become well-informed about international issues and how they affect our communities. Finally, something I can agree with. We all need to know what our mayors, as well as the United Nations, are doing to fundamentally change and dismantle our society.

Harbison: What is Your Mayor Doing?
Pearce Explains Reid Bill
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Steve Pearce |
“Americans have been clear: no more budget tricks, no more accounting gimmicks, no more empty promises,” said Pearce. “Now is the time to change our course and get our debt under control. The American people said in November that they want change; they want Washington to stop spending money we don’t have. Today’s legislation simply does not show that Washington is listening. It contains accounting gimmicks to exaggerate its savings, and it does not provide the lasting, structural reform we need. The House has passed two bills for long-term debt solutions. Now is the time for the Senate and President to set aside party politics and join the House in finding a solution to our crushing debt crisis.”

Pearce Explains Reid Bill
The first ever Medical Marijuana & Natural Health Expo is underway this weekend at the Convention Center and it's attracting quite a crowd.

The first ever Medical Marijuana & Natural Health Expo is underway this weekend at the Convention Center and it's attracting quite a crowd.
Another Fort Hood Massacre Averted
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Naser Jason Abdo |
Another Fort Hood Massacre Averted
Judge Murphy arrested on new bribery charge
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Michael Murphy |
Judge Murphy arrested on new bribery charge
Need for Open Government is NOT Partisan
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Sarah Welsh |
It’s a stunning parallel, and the bipartisan principles underpinning open government are rarely on such obvious display. Open government is not a tool of the left or the right, of Democrats or Republicans. It’s simply a tool to hold powerful people accountable. Read full column here: News New Mexico
Need for Open Government is NOT Partisan
Chavez: Obama's Leadership Deficit
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Linda Chavez |
And when the Congressional Budget Office determined the GOP numbers didn't add up as claimed, Boehner went back to the drawing board to come up with new ones that delivered what they promised. As of this writing, the vote on the Boehner plan has yet to occur -- but win or lose, the speaker has demonstrated he's willing to lead.But Obama's only contribution to the debt-ceiling debate has been partisan, class-warfare rhetoric. In his televised address earlier this week, Obama blamed Republicans for failing to produce a bill he'd be willing to sign because it would not include a tax rate increase on families and small businesses earning more $250,000 a year. Those Americans already foot the bill for more than 60 percent of all federal income taxes collected in the U.S., despite constituting less than 5 percent of taxpayers. The wealthy pay their fair share and then some.
Even if fairness weren't a consideration, a tax increase at a time when the nation's economy is hovering on the brink of a double-dip recession is a dangerous idea. But it plays well to Obama's political base, which wants someone else to pay for their entitlements. Read full column here: News New Mexico
Chavez: Obama's Leadership Deficit
Angry crowd meets, Medicaid concerns

Angry crowd meets, Medicaid concerns
Federal charges against 2 in NM voter project

Federal charges against 2 in NM voter project
Mexico suspends police aid to Juárez

Mexico suspends police aid to Juárez
A big win for Gary King

A big win for Gary King
Marita Noon: Increase Revenues = Better Economy Not Higher Taxes
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Marita Noon |
Marita Noon: Increase Revenues = Better Economy Not Higher Taxes
Swickard: More of the same leadership gets more of the same results

Swickard: More of the same leadership gets more of the same results
Four of New Mexico's Delegation of Five Have Voted NO on Every Proposal This Year
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John Boehner |
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Paul Ryan |

Four of New Mexico's Delegation of Five Have Voted NO on Every Proposal This Year