From the
El Paso Times Blog by Joe Rodriguez - The incident that has now circled the world with regards to the what happened in yesterday’s soccer game in Torreon, Coahuila will now hopefully trigger a new cause of action in the country of Mexico against the Drug War. The horrifying events that took place outside the Territorio Santos Modelo stadium yesterday when a gunfight broke out at road checkpoint outside the stadium which lead to panic inside of it will hopefully be enough of a national embarrassment for the president and his administration to go to new extremes to reduce the violence in Mexico. This most recent incident has now affected what was thought to be one of the few last safe havens from the violence in Mexico, soccer stadiums. Now more than ever people will be screaming for action to be taken in the highest levels of the Mexican government. The national sport of soccer is one of the few things that people have to forget about the violent situation that Mexico is going through, at least for a couple of hours each week. Some people will spend a considerable amount of their weekly income to make it out and support their club as for some that is the only thing they have to look forward two every two weeks when the local team plays at home. You take that away or endanger that, you are taking away a big part of some people’s livelihood. Thankfully no one was hurt inside the stadium yesterday evening. It was a cheap lesson taught to a government that will pay a very high price...
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EP Times Blog: Mexico's Latest National Embarassment...
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