World Net Daily - by Erik Rush - Let us not be surprised that the rhetoric of Democratic politicians, the establishment press, union bosses, career civil-rights activists, actors, rappers and assorted liberal miscreants has taken a foray into the realm of the truly bizarre. Yes, it is stupefying that some of these individuals have the temerity to say what they've been saying in public lately, let alone with a straight face. Let us neither be surprised that a segment of our population is either so intellectually indolent or thoroughly indoctrinated that they receive these words without laughing themselves into a hernia.
In recent weeks, liberals have charged that Republicans and conservatives want to destroy America, burn and blow things up, starve old people and children, and lay waste to our
economy. The tea-party movement has been blamed for the downgrade in America's credit rating by Democratic leaders at the highest levels, a most

absurd calumny since the machinations behind said downgrade were in progress long before the
tea party came to be. While liberal charges against conservatives have always been on the inane side, lately they've been right off of a preschool playground. Calling American patriots Hitlerites, comparing them to history's worst tyrants and mass murderers – it's the shock value that's calculated to drive people into a frenzy of irrational fear. Just examine how socialist factions have historically demonized the opposition in order to harden citizens to the final solutions these regimes eventually come up with; you will easily see the parallel to what is occurring in America.
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Erik Rush: Hysterical leftist rhetoric? Thank Marx
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