Perry Calls Social Security a Ponzi Scheme

Rick Perry
Daily Caller - There goes Rick Perry again, saying things that make liberals’ heads explode. Speaking to a crowd in Iowa this weekend, the Texas governor and GOP presidential hopeful doubled down on statements he made in his book, Fed Up!, that Social Security is essentially a pyramid scheme. “It is a Ponzi scheme for these young people,” Perry said. “The idea that they’re working and paying into Social Security today, that the current program is going to be there for them, is a lie. It is a monstrous lie on this generation, and we can’t do that to them.”  Read full story here: News New Mexico


Anonymous said...

Perry is correct. If a company pension plan was run like the federal government runs social security someone would be going to jail.

Anonymous said...

We watched an interesting segment on FOX Cable News this evening. The left is at it again. Perry is obviously a viable presidential candidate. Every time an attractive, articulate presidential candidate emerges the left instinctively attempts to portrait them as being stupid. They tried with Reagan, Bush, Palin, Bachman, countless others and now Perry. Perry has never lost an election for public office. Obviously he scares Obama kool-aid drinkers. During Sean Hannity's show he played a video tape of Obama reading from his teleprompter and referring to a Navy Corpsman as a "CORPS MAN"...THREE TIMES. Obama is a Harvard grad. Maybe if Harvard had an ROTC program left-wingers would know it's "corpsman" and not "CORPS MAN". who's stupid?

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