Noon: Best Stimulus is to STOP Killing Jobs

Marita Noon
Townhall - A study released today by Wood Mackenzie told you everything you needed to know about what’s wrong with Obama on jobs. The report estimates that across the country 1.4 million jobs could be created if the federal government would stop delaying the development of existing energy resources in the country. “U.S. oil and natural gas policy changes could generate more than 1.4 million new jobs,” said a statement with the report, “$800 billion in additional government revenue, and 10 million barrels worth of added daily oil and natural gas production by 2030, according to a study by Wood Mackenzie released today by API. New jobs could be added in every state.” All that’s needed are policy changes by Obama via his signature on a piece of paper- or even just a phone call to a cabinet secretary- and we could be adding jobs tomorrow while reducing our dependence on Middle East oil to next to nothing.
So what is Obama doing? Killing those jobs, ignoring that energy. And Obama’s refusal to develop those resources has him at odds with the American people. Recent polling indicates that seventy-six percent (76%) of voters say the country is heading down the wrong track. Clearly, something needs to be done to turn the train around and head in a different direction. Three recent news stories—all under-reported—offer more snapshots of the wrong-headed energy and jobs policy followed by Obama. Read rest of column here: News New Mexico



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