Feds:Medical Pot Smokers Cannot Purchase Guns,Weapons
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Wednesday, October 5, 2011
National News,
New Mexico News
From newmexicoindependent.com -Though medical marijuana is legal in New Mexico, the drug is still regarded as an illegal scheduled substance by the federal government. Given the federal government sets the rules on who can own guns, medicinal marijuana smokers of this state and 15 others are barred from owning guns. The point was reiterated in a late September letter written by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and sent to federal firearms licensees. Owners of gun stores are instructed to withhold the sale of arms or munitions to anyone suspected of having an interaction or addiction to scheduled drugs, including marijuana. The letter specifies individuals known to have a medicinal marijuana card can be reasonably assumed to be an abuser of a controlled substance and gun shop owners must refuse purchase. More News New Mexico
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