More Tourists for Less Money?

Jay Miller
Inside the Capitol - SANTA FE – New Mexico can attract many more tourists without spending any more money. That was the message from state Tourism Department Secretary Monique Jacobson to the Legislative Finance Committee last week. Jacobson says we just have to work smarter and elevate our game. And that we can do without any increase in appropriation. The message, of course, was music to legislative ears. But will it work?
Monique Jacobson
Our neighboring states spend many times New Mexico's $2.5 million advertising budget already. Jacobson says the secret lies in how we spend our money. New Mexico's measly $2.5 million will be switched from tourism services to tourism generating expenditures. "We've got to serve the traveler and not the destination," she explained. The New Mexico tourism industry has not appreciated the new secretary from the beginning. This will ice it. But frugal-minded lawmakers likely will be willing to give Jacobson's austerity program a chance. Read full column here: News New Mexico



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