$680M Owed in Child Support in NM
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Friday, November 4, 2011
New Mexico News
From koat.com -State officials said there are 26,000 deadbeat parents across New Mexico who owe a combined total of $680 million in overdue child support. The state said it hasn’t ever considered using a collection agency to track down deadbeat parents because the state cannon enter into contracts and that Child Support Enforcement has no authority to arrest people on its own. The agency relies on police. The department’s only teeth are sending letters, taking away driver’s license and threatening arrest. More News New Mexico
My brother is owed over two years in back child support from his "X". He's provided the state with everything they need to help him collect. However, the Dona Ana County division that handles late payment cases is completely incompetent. If he was a woman whose "X" was past due, MAYBE then they might try to do something. Basically, the system is gender biased. It's a total disgrace.
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