Green Chile Lovers Fired up Over Genetic Modification
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Saturday, December 3, 2011
New Mexico News
From -Some are worried about the future of New Mexico's signature crop. Labor costs, relentless plant diseases and competition from cheap imports have combined to put the chile industry in a steep decline. Scientists at New Mexico State University are helping through a series of efforts aimed at unlocking the genetic mysteries of red and green chile, but that has some pepper purists fired up. The thought of genetically engineering chile has galvanized a group of seed conservationists and others who are sympathetic to the national protests targeting corporate greed and economic inequality. The group is concerned that if scientists develop a genetically engineered pepper to boost the industry, small growers could face patent lawsuits if their crops become cross-contaminated by the new seeds. They're also worried about a lack of labeling of genetically modified foods and the potential for New Mexico's traditional varieties to be forever altered. More News New Mexico
When faced with a lawsuit because the pollen has blown across a poprperty boundary, the response is simple. Counter sue for trespass.
These genetic foods are dangerous. There are reasons certain "modifications" do not exist in nature. Plant breeding programs provided us with great products developed in the same manner that has brought us to our own level of development. If it doesn't happen naturally, it ain't natural. DUH!!!
We humans are not as smart was we believe ourselves to be.
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