Mountain Lion Making the Rounds in Alto
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Wednesday, December 7, 2011
New Mexico News
Ruidoso News - A partial deer carcass found under the deck of an Alto Lakes home has a neighborhood on edge. The kill belongs to a large cougar that has been seen a number of times in the area of High Mesa Drive and Lake Shore Drive within the past couple of months. "He just has lost all his fear of man," said resident Jamie Estes, who added he was unsure of the mountain lion's sex. "What I didn't know when I called the (New Mexico Game and Fish Department Ruidoso District officer), he told me he had had four or five complaints on this same cat. He feels like it's the same cat because the complaints are right there on our street. And this cat even stalked some golfers at Kokopelli for several hours one day." Read full story here: News New Mexico
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