Sanchez Answers Thomas Cole Column

John Sanchez
By John Sanchez - This is a response to Mr. Cole’s piece in the Albuquerque Journal on December 28, 2011 regarding my role as Lieutenant Governor. To begin, I entered public service by serving as a Trustee (Councilman) for the Village of Los Ranchos from 1997 to 2000. Serving at the local municipal level has shaped my conviction that all service is most effective when it is delivered locally. Also, his take on the differences between former Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish and me is only partially correct. While some elected officials go out of their way to promote themselves through press releases, social media or other means, the true measure of public service is the work that goes on behind the scenes.
After the election in November of 2010, I toured all 33 counties and conducted over 100 individual meetings with business leaders, elected officials and private citizens. We proceeded with the hard and fast work of setting up a new office and preparing for the 60 day legislative session all before the 18th of January. I presided over the State Senate, met with legislators, helped to push Governor Martinez’s bold agenda and most importantly, made myself accessible to the citizens of New Mexico with an open door policy. Read rest of column here: News New Mexico


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