Obama's old Chrysler offered on eBay for $1 million

2012 Political Humor (On the Right)
Last night, my daughter just walked into the living room and said, "Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, stereo, iPhone, iPod, and my laptop. Please take all of my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Then sell my new car. Take my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house. Then disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to my sister."
Well, she didn't put it quite like that. She actually said...
'Dad, I have decided to work for Obama's re-election campaign.'"
2012 Political Humor (On the Right)
Approved: $21.5M Rate Increase for NM Gas Co.
Approved: $21.5M Rate Increase for NM Gas Co.
N.M. To Hold Tours Of 1980 Pen Riot
N.M. To Hold Tours Of 1980 Pen Riot
Law Abiding Mexicans Taking Up Illegal Guns
Law Abiding Mexicans Taking Up Illegal Guns
Occupier Strangles Parents
Occupier Strangles Parents
House Committee Delays Budget Vote
Economic growth is expected to generate about $257 million in new revenues next year that lawmakers can use for the budget or to cover the cost of tax reductions. Read full story here: News New Mexico
House Committee Delays Budget Vote
Journal Takes Gary King to Woodshed
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Gary King |
Journal Takes Gary King to Woodshed
Reader Feedback and Reply
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Michael and Conrad |
Subject: Excuse me?
"You obviously miss the point of the #Occupy movement.
It doesn't play by your rules, or the rules that the 1 percent have put in place.
The only way the #Occupy Movement can command attention is to act within its own rules.
Not yours, not the 1 percent's, but OURS.
Wrap your head around that.
Your dog is bigger than your mind."
Dear Reader,
How Quaint! Yes, my dog Conrad is smarter than me and I might add that he lives a much better life. For one thing I am up at four a.m. to do the News New Mexico broadcast statewide from 6 to 9 a.m. and he says, “See ya.” And goes back to bed. He and Brownie hang out all day and enjoy that I take them on walks and direct their attention to the backyard at regular intervals. Because of coyotes, I even stand with them while they are outside for their protections. Yep, much smarter, no argument from me.
I have not missed the point of the Occupy movement, I point out that the movement must move within our society, it cannot violently overthrow the government. Yes, you do have to play by the rules of the society or suffer the consequences. Remember that I do agree with some of what you believe but not actions outside the law, which law? The law. Now that you have commanded our attention, now what? You have told us off, and we have heard you, now what? Now what? Do something constructive. Run for office, support someone for office. You cannot overthrow the government from the outside as much as you might wish to do so, you must get within the belly of the beast and make the change for a better future. Or is the movement all talk?
Thanks for reading - Michael
Reader Feedback and Reply
Carlsbad Troubadours perform at Roundhouse

Carlsbad Troubadours perform at Roundhouse
Anti-Corruption Bill Heads to House Floor
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Rep. Nate Gentry |
Anti-Corruption Bill Heads to House Floor
N.M. Counties Receive $11M in School Payments
N.M. Counties Receive $11M in School Payments
Chicano Movement Icon to Speak at N.M. Capitol
Chicano Movement Icon to Speak at N.M. Capitol
New N.M Water Boss Talks Drought Challenges
New N.M Water Boss Talks Drought Challenges
NM House Puts Off $5B Budget Vote
NM House Puts Off $5B Budget Vote
Mr. President, you are building the wrong car.
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Marita Noon |

Mr. President, you are building the wrong car.
AARP Dubs Cruces and Santa Fe
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The Three Crosses in Las Cruces |
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Downtown Santa Fe |
AARP Dubs Cruces and Santa Fe
Senator Says Put an End to Free Political Billboards
Senator Says Put an End to Free Political Billboards
7th Straight Month of Job Growth in NM in December
7th Straight Month of Job Growth in NM in December
New Approach to Wolf Reintroduction

New Approach to Wolf Reintroduction
In 2011 Verizon Poured $180 Million into NM
In 2011 Verizon Poured $180 Million into NM
Sandia Labs Paid $400 Million in 2011 to NM Businesses
Sandia Labs Paid $400 Million in 2011 to NM Businesses
Tres Amigas Super Station Needs One More Friend
Tres Amigas Super Station Needs One More Friend
Firefighter & Pecan Growers Arrested in Federal Bust
Firefighter & Pecan Growers Arrested in Federal Bust
Santa Fe Woman Pledges $1M for Food Bank
Santa Fe Woman Pledges $1M for Food Bank
"Johnny" Lee, Former Otero County Sheriff died at 58
"Johnny" Lee, Former Otero County Sheriff died at 58
Frostbitten Man Pulled From Rio Grande

Frostbitten Man Pulled From Rio Grande
Dona Ana County Leaders Do Damage Control Tour
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Dona Ana County Building |
Dona Ana County Leaders Do Damage Control Tour
N.M. National Guard Deployed to Egypt/Israel
N.M. National Guard Deployed to Egypt/Israel
Border Patrol Seized 400 Pounds of Marijuana
Border Patrol Seized 400 Pounds of Marijuana
Swickard: The Occupy Santa Fe movement needs to move differently

Occupy Santa Fe Press release: “… OSF understands the continuing corruption of our democracy is a matter of sheer survival with 146 million Americans at or below the poverty line. A noisy interruption of the ALEC $250 dinner is mild compared to the economic, social, and environmental devastation caused by corporate domination… ALEC members choked two women protesters with their own scarves while simultaneously punching them in the back, one by Representative Kintigh of Roswell. Following them to the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, an ALEC member punched a male protester in the face, and shoved another male protester to the wall in a chokehold. Four security guards from the Eldorado Hotel contained the violent ALEC legislative member.”
I was not there nor have I spoken to any of the participants. However, I am gravely concerned at two things: first, that a peaceful group of elected New Mexico legislators on private property were subjected to a frightening violent interaction. Second, that the Occupy Santa Fe group was able to barge into a private dinner.
If the Occupy Santa Fe protesters had remained at their protest outside the hotel it would be a non-story. Instead they came onto public property, a hotel dining room and caused a fuss. They called causing a fuss civil disobedience, but they are wrong.
Be noisy, be in the face, be on public property. Step onto private property without permission and it is not fine. The hotel, while open to the public is still private property. The protestors have no right to walk into any store, restaurant or hotel without permission.
The authorities and security forces were absent and that left it up to the legislators to protect themselves. There is a charge of excessive force against Rep. Dennis Kintigh when he removed at least one person. He is a New Mexico certified police officer and a retired FBI agent. That he felt compelled to act speaks volumes as to the safety of the legislators in the room.
Where do we go from here? I hope Occupy Santa Fe troops are not trying to force the legislators to huddle behind protected walls. We have a great citizen legislature where anyone can walk almost anywhere in the Roundhouse without hassle. The dialog may have started to try to contain the “terrorist” effect of protestors.
I do have to protest the protestor press release, “…the continuing corruption of our democracy is a matter of sheer survival with 146 million Americans at or below the poverty line.” So one half of all Americans are at or below the poverty line? Yet most have a house, car and cable. How is that poverty? I suspect the fragile population is closer to five percent and yes, they do need our prayers and our help.
Also, the New Mexico Legislature has been firmly in the hands of the Democrats since before World War Two. The Occupy Santa Fe group was yelling at Republicans who rarely if ever have any say in what the Legislature does. If corporations have bought the New Mexico Legislature protest the Democrats.
I would like to give some honest helpful advice for the people in the Occupy Santa Fe movement. Stay on public property. We hear you and dare I say it, I agree with some of your more reasonable concerns. I have raised them myself as to money and politics.
Importantly, if you really want to make a difference, go to each legislative district and put up a candidate against the incumbent so that a year from now the entire 112 members of the New Mexico Legislature could all be newly elected Occupy members who will completely cleanse the political process. Do the change right.
The Occupy people all over our nation do have our attention but we will not be bullied, we will not be intimidated and they cannot come on private property and attack New Mexico citizens without the full response of angry citizens being conveyed to them. If they want to change the political process it is open to them to do so. Do it in the way that our US and New Mexico Constitution allows, get elected and lead us to a better world.
Swickard: The Occupy Santa Fe movement needs to move differently
Martinez: Won't Sign a Bill That is a "Sham"
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Michael Sanchez |
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Ben Lujan |
On Thursday, Martinez's bill was shelved in committee and Democrats offered an alternative that would, in part, require license renewal after two years.
"What they've done is actually drafted a sham. They're still going to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, and I won't sign a bill that does that," Martinez said.
This is the second time in two legislative sessions that the bill has disintegrated.
"I will never give up doing what New Mexicans want me to," Martinez said. "Every opportunity I have, I need to fight to repeal this law." Read full story here: News New Mexico
Martinez: Won't Sign a Bill That is a "Sham"
Martinez PRC Appointment is "News"
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Susana Martinez |
Strangely enough, and despite the fact there is hardly an extended family in America of any size whatsoever that doesn't have at least one gay member, this story is still considered "news."
There are several factors at work that make this story news. First, it is a complete contradiction to the stereo-type perpetuated mostly by progressive activists seeking leverage for additional group rights, that goes like this: all Republicans are gay bashing bigots. Second, there are more than a few naive, narrow-minded, and/or hateful people, who claim they are for limited government......except when the subject of sexual orientation comes up in policy debates. Third, there is the vast majority of what could best be described as "the rest of us." This is the huge majority in New Mexico and in America that simply wants government to leave us alone and also leave our family members, friends, acquaintances, and anyone else who happens to be gay, alone.
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Doug Howe |

Martinez PRC Appointment is "News"
A TRI-Partisan Bill Introduced in the House
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Andy Nunez |
Currently, the New Mexico constitution provides that the New Mexico Legislature may only remove public officials from office. HBX would permit the legislature to enact legislation that would require impeached officials to pay for the costs associated with their impeachment.
“There is no reason that the taxpayers of the state should pay to remove corrupt government officials from office. This constitutional amendment would allow the state to recover the cost of impeachment proceedings from the corrupt official,” said Rep. Gentry.
“This constitutional amendment should make corrupt elected officials think twice before running up the tab on the people of this state for their corrupt behavior,” said Rep. Cook.
Added Rep. Brown, “This constitutional amendment would not deter honest people from running for public office.” Although they both resigned before the proceedings were completed, the New Mexico Legislature spent over $233,000 on the Jerome Block Jr. and Robert Vigil impeachment proceedings. Some estimate that a completed impeachment proceeding could cost the state as much as one million dollars.
Representatives Cervantes and Cook were co-chairs of the impeachment committee empanelled to begin the impeachment proceedings against former PRC commissioner Jerome Block, Jr.

A TRI-Partisan Bill Introduced in the House
Fed Delivers REAL State of the Union Message
“The Committee decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that economic conditions–including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run–are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late 2014.”

Say what? What does all of this jargon actually mean beyond the fact that seniors and other savers living on fixed incomes can expect to continue to get cheated out of a decent rate of return on their interest bearing investments until 2014?
In layman’s terms, the phrase: “Anticipates economic conditions including low rates of resource utilization,” means the Fed forecasts no significant job creation and no significant increase in economic activity until at least 2014.
Hey wait a second! This statement by the Fed is in direct contradiction to the president’s State of the Union message delivered less than 15 hours earlier when he uttered the following: “We are poised for progress. Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known, the stock market has come roaring back. Corporate profits are up. The economy is growing again.”
By the way, the roaring stock market the president referred to actually produced a 2.11% rate of return in 2011, as measured by the S & P 500 index. Now, a 2.11% return could be called many things by many people, but only a smoke blowing politician seeking re-election would call it “roaring.”

Fed Delivers REAL State of the Union Message