Did Poor Border Security Lead to Murder of Infant?
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Monday, January 2, 2012
New Mexico News
KOAT TV - Federal agents said the man accused of sexually assaulting and killing a 1-month-old baby girl had recently sneaked back into the United States after being deported to Mexico four months before the crime. Police released a recording of the 911 call that indicated the baby was already dead before anyone contacted the authorities. "(The) baby was taking a bottle and choked and couldn't stop, and the baby has now passed away," the caller told a 911 operator. According to a criminal complaint, sheriff's deputies found a 4-week-old baby girl battered, with blood pooling around her clothes all the way into the footie of her Onesie. Officers said the baby had two black eyes, a bite mark on her cheek, brain bleeds, a lacerated liver and anal and vaginal tearing. The 911 operator asked the family to perform CPR, but it was too late. "The baby's gone," the caller said. Authorities said they arrested 37-year-old Juan Galindo on charges of sexual assault and child abuse resulting in death. Officers said Galindo admitted he was high on meth when he assaulted the baby. Read full story here: News New Mexico
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