Assault on Skandera Comes From Entrenched Interests of the Educational Bureacracy

The evidence is mounting that the party in charge of public education in New Mexico for eighty-plus years has sent out an army of entrenched status quo stakeholders to launch a full scale professional assassination attack on the Governor's Public Education nominee, Hanna Skandera. Consider these coincidences:
A thinly disguised op-ed piece recently released points to the fact that our vaunted Washington D.C. education bureaucracy doesn’t seem to care much for Hanna. And because those who maintain perhaps the most useless money wasting department in U.S. government history don’t like our Governor’s choice for education secretary, she should be rejected? Many people would suggest this revelation in itself is a ringing endorsement.
Next you can toss in the results of an “anonymous” survey conducted by a lifelong member of New Mexico’s ruling educational junta. In this agenda driven “survey” it was suggested the anonymous respondents revealed anonymously that superintendents wishing to remain anonymous don’t like Hanna. Did I mention this piece was done anonymously?
Suddenly the room where the entrenched educational bureaucracy conducts its strategic planning sessions is starting to really stink.
Next we would be remiss if we did not mention the mixing in of a few barbed comments from trial lawyer and Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez. Sanchez suggests that because Skandera never taught school she has no aptitude for reforming education. What a coincidence. Sanchez never taught school either. He has just watched education get run into the ground with the help of his entrenched cronies for quite awhile.
It is safe to say we have enough circumstantial evidence to suggest activist members of education's status quo crowd will do anything including a concerted multi-pronged assault on Hanna Skandera to preclude the state from adopting and implementing meaningful reforms.
What do all of the contrived gripes against Skandera seem to be? They can all be summarized in one sentence. Somehow, because Skandera wants to approach education reforms based on policies that have worked like a charm in other areas, she is very likely to take away some of the wasteful processes (and money plums) that benefit New Mexico adults who draw education system paychecks. Who cares what works, hang her from the highest tree! And I say that anonymously of course.



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