Court: N.M. Violated Voter Act
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Wednesday, February 22, 2012
New Mexico News
Pulaski note: Migrant workers and some people here illegally apply and receive these benefits. Why are we forcing these government employees to offer voter registrations to ALL applicants? From -A federal appeals court has ruled New Mexico violated the National Voter Registration Act while working with public-assistance clients. The ruling handed down Tuesday found the state Human Services Department only provided voter registration materials to clients who asked for them. Under the law, HSD was supposed to offer voter registration to all clients applying for or recertifying benefits or changing their addresses, the court said. A coalition of voting-rights groups and attorneys sued state officials in federal court in 2009 to force compliance with the 1993 law. A U.S. District court ruled against the state in December 2010, and Tuesday's ruling affirms that decision. State officials have not yet commented on the latest decision.
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